blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%A. Afshar

Terrorists Disinformation

Being the kind of people who fish in troubled water, MKO does whatever mischief to escalate the tension concerning Iraq to survive. Quoting Jafarzadeh who talked at a conference organized by the Iran Policy Committee, a lobby group pushing to get the MKO off the State Department’s terrorist list, the article intends to support the idea that Iran is advocating a special force to spread disorder and terrorism in its neighboring country Iraq. …

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People Caught in Hallucination

The parliamentarian advocates of MKO are not, no doubt, nai’ve about the violent nature of the group and the reasons that led it onto the black list of the proscribed terrorists. Few of them, for certain political, or maybe personal, reasons prefer to close their eyes on reality for the time being. The main issue for them is to deal with Iran utilizing some kind of leverage of pressure, which in this case they have mistakenly concluded to be MKO.

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A Humanitarian Negligence in Favor of Terrorists

He further elucidates facts about the terrorist nature of the group and the terrorist atrocities its members perpetrated in Iran and the Iraq under Saddam. The Iraqi-based PMOI is a terrorist organization that killed an American citizen in the 1970’s and helped Saddam to massacre the Kurds after the First Gulf War. If you think Al Qaeda or Hezbollah came up with the idea of suicide bombing you should know that PMOI pioneered suicide bombing in Iran in the early 80’s when they killed a number of Iranian senior officials as well as innocent people

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The Positive Force of Terrorism

According to Newswire, in a press briefing hosted by the ‘Colorado’s Iranian American Community’, a bi- partisan Congressional Caucus recognized the indispensable role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) at Camp Ashraf in Iraq as a natural ally for Iraq’s anti-fundamentalist and democratic forces. Congressmen Bob Filner and Thomas Tancredo the Co-Chairs of …

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A Shameful Support of pro-Saddam Faction

…in a recently published article World War W, discusses the ridiculous decisions flowing from the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice administration to design, launch and wage World War W. The article further discusses that as the repercussions of a US attack on Iran could well be dire, they are trying a well-financed fifth column of support in Iran, the pro-Saddam faction of Mujaheddin-e-Khalq.

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Open Activities of a Proscribed Organization

Under section 3 of the Terrorism Act, the UK Home Secretary has the power to proscribe organizations believed to be “concerned in terrorism”. Both the wide definition of terrorism and the vagueness of the grounds for proscription could lead to abuse the law in support of the illegitimate organizations rather than their proscription.

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Mr. Zucker, more Mojahed than Mojahedin

Daniel M. Zucker, a Chairman of Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, in his recent article, Setting the Record Straight About the Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran, which is more a comeback to Jay Solomon’s article published in the Wall Street Journal (“Iranian Exile Group Aims to Build Bridges; Some in Congress See a Role For an Organization Listed as a Terrorist Group”, …

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Iraqi Lawyer Advocates Rights of Terrorists

In an interview published in Washington Post on 10 June 2006, Kamal Hamdoun, the head of Iraq’s lawyers’ union, deplored the dominant anarchy in Iraq saying:”We are living in terror. For example, I’m unable to move around freely. And there’s a gun in my drawer”

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A Record of High Treason

None of the other Iranian opposition groups and dissidents, in spite of being vigorous opponents to the Islamic Republic, endorse Mojahedin Khalq’s position taken against Iran’s nuclear program because they are well aware of the fact that the right of taking advantage of peaceful nuclear technology belongs to Iranian nation rather than the ruling power.

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Repetition of an Appeal

She proposes sanctions knowing it is Iranian people who have to pay the price. She propounds the Security Council while the file is a task of the IAEA to monitor nuclear proliferation, something not yet proved about Iran. These suggestions, not new in the ears of the Western countries, are made to appease them for the final demand; please, remove “the terrorist label from the People’s Mojahedin Organization”.

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