blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Ahmad Baaraan

Dear Mr, Berbard Kushner you are correct

You are correct in your recent assessment of the terrorist nature of the PMOI. This group has never denounced violence and terrorism in its Persian publications; and indeed continues to endorse and promote them. The recent unclassified reports by the group’s own former members do support our existing knowledge of the group and its nature. PMOI is a dangerous cult that naturally deserves to remain in the EU terror list. NCRI is just an alias for the PMOI under which it continues to operate in the EU. In 2004 the US State Department realised this and banned both entities.

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Combating Terrorism Requires New Outlook

the PMOI has many aliases such as MeK, MKO, NCRI, NLA, to name a few. But all refer to the same group, the Mojahdeen-e Khalgh (MeK). When the group was listed in the EU terror list, its members continued their activities under the façade of NCRI. The US State Department discovered this manipulative tactic by MeK and added the NCRI to the terror list in 2004. A judicial decision in Washington DC also concluded that NCRI is just an alias of the MeK, effectively rejecting the group’s claim that the two are two separate entities

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Errors in UK Court Decision

A recent UK Court of Appeals decision to uphold a lower court ruling that PMOI (MEK, or MKO) is no longer “concerned in terrorism” revealed serious flaws and a lack of sophistication in the UK legal framework when it comes to combating terrorism. In addition to other vital means, a serious fight against terrorism requires a mature legal system that could not be easily manipulated by deceptive tactics …

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MEK and the Terror Lists

Following my response to Patrick Clawson’s piece of April 25, I received several inquiries about my views of MEK and its recent launching of a massive deceptive campaign aiming to remove the group from the list of the Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) published and maintained by the State Department in the United States.

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A response to Patrick Clawson

A direct reference to Mojahedin-e Khalgh Organization with its diverse aliases such as MEK, MKO, PMOI, OPMI, NCR, NCRI, NLA, to name just a few, draw my attention to the Clawson’s views. I was nudged by further curiosity when I noticed that a Farsi translation of Clawson’s article had appeared on MEK’s propaganda apparatus even before its seemingly original English version was published.

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Re-listing MEK (PMOI) important, but not enough!

The MEK continues to operate in Europe with its headquarter in Auver-sur-oise Village in Paris. The MEK refer to its former members as the agents of the Iranian Information Ministry in order to justify its violent attacks. The truth is that the MEK has used this tactic to smear its critics, a well-known practice by almost all violent cults.

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