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A Revolution Transforming MKO into Rajavi’s Cult

Saeed Shahsavandi’s interview with the Voice of Iran recently has focused on the subject of the ideological revolution within MKO. The details given by Shahsavandi well assert that the theatricalised ideological revolution was a plot for Rajavi’s hegemony that transformed a political group into a destructive cult of personality. The organization follows no logic in its relation with the insiders and the outsiders and the session 125 of the interview examines the group’s undemocratic practices with Rajavi atop who exemplifies the model of a cult entrepreneur:

Mojahedin, from the higher to the lower ranks, when driven to logical discourse indeed have nothing to say and fall back on badmouthing. When man has no evidence to corroborate his claim, then, he resorts to monologue rather than dialogue. That is what their media pursue.

Shahsavandi believes that the ideological revolution was the start of denying council leadership and democratic centralism, the basic principles of organization:

Transformation of the organization’s leadership from a classic-leftist organization preferring democratic centralism to an ideologically religious organization long chanting anti-imperialism slogans violated the basic principles of council leadership and democratic centralism.

In fact, the ideological revolution completely transformed MKO to Massoud Rajavi’s organization:

From this phase on, the Mojahedine Khalq Organization was permuted to the organization of Massoud, radio of Massoud and the media of Massoud.

He also points out to the heavy pile of ostensible letters and lists of signatures published in support of the ideological revolution:

The pile of signatures targeted the minds of the lower ranks to imbue them that the ideological revolution was a serious incident. The published signed-list of the 550-member leadership council aimed at the same purpose. That is while even the China’s Communist Party has not such a big crowd at its leadership council.

However, the growing number of dissatisfied members exposed a great threat against the organization and the dissidents had to be liquidated. The organizational trial of Ali Zarkesh portended the similar destiny that awaited other dissidents. Once a trusted friend of Rajavi, he was promoted to the commander of operation inside Iran sitting next to Rajavi’s room in Auvers sur Oise. Giving evidences from Zarkesh’s videotaped trial shahsavandi explains:

He was no more the same Ali Zarkesh we knew him for long before in Auvers sur Oise decision-making meetings. He resembled a wretched man whose nose, believe me, drivelled.

Of accusations posed against Zarkesh was that his proposal of Massoud and Maryam’s marriage was much a plot to discredit Rajavi in order to repel him and succeed to the position of leadership. Quoting Rajavi accusing zarkesh, Sahsavandi said:

“It was Ali’s mischief when proposed the marriage. He intended to disparage me through my marriage with Maryam to supersede me. Rajavi even overstepped to claim that Ali had proposed the ideological revolution to dismiss him.

Zarkesh was also accused of plotting to assassinate Rajavi. All evidences being against Ali, Rajavi said nothing of his execution. But the majority of those members present at his court demanded his execution; rajavi, however, as the authoritative leadership sentenced him to life imprisonment in Camp Ashraf to intimidate the other dissidents. Zarkesh was transferred to Iraq to be held in room 7 of a building called Baqai and was under intense control to avoid possible attempts to instigate a tense atmosphere. He was finally dispatched as a veteran to Iranian borders to take part in the Operation Eternal Light, where he was destined never to return.


www.mojahedin.ws  – 27/08/2007

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