Maryam Rajavi and her so-called human rights

One of the most basic human rights ,according to all international human rights conventions and statements, is freedom of speech and expression that the self-assigned president of National Council of Resistence, Maryam Rajavi always claims to believe in, condemning IRI “for restrictions on freedom of peaceful assembly and association and freedom of opinion and expression.” (Maryam Rajavi,Nov.20th,2009 addressed committee of UN General Assembly)

When in November 2009, along with her propaganda campaign she goes to Norway Parliament, again she repeats her pro-democratic slogans using gestures of a human right defender; what kind of freedom does she believe in?!

Exactly on the same month, on Nov.28th,2009 while a group of former members of MKO are holding a protest demonstration in Cergy, France, to protest against the presence of Maryam Rajavi in that country, the agents of the destructive cult of Rajavi attack the protesters, hitting them on the face and eyes. The physical clashes end when the police intervene.

The reaction of MKO towards such a small normal and political action is not fat from their long history of violence, terror and suppression. The only approach of MKO to respond its dissidents and critics have always been the physical removal of them at any price.

Today MKO leaders who are going on a declining situation and have never accepted the reality and instead have always gone on the wrong way, have to resort on violence and suppression against their dissidents in or out of the cult. This is exactly what is called terrorism; using illegal behaviors and violent acts to suppress dissidents and to terrify or threaten them.

It is silly to believe that MKO leaders can stop their critics from criticizing them since their dissidents including their former members never stopped criticizing them even when they were captured in the organizational bars of the cult, now that they are residing democratic countries, they use any opportunity to denounce the terrorist cult that destroyed a long period of their life.

Such violent acts committed by MKO brainwashed members, before the eyes of European citizens like those of Cergy Val d’Oise, cause a huge question on the claims of Maryam Rajavi who introduces herself as a pro-democratic ,human activist. Also the public opinion and supporters of human rights will take into consideration the risk of presence of a violent political cult in Europe.

By Mazda Parsi

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