Rajavi to smuggle wanted members to Europe

Three of “most wanted” high ranking members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) seek to escape from Camp Liberty.

Iraqi informed sources declared that another group of 20 to 30 residents of Camp Liberty including three high ranking members are supposed to be relocated in Albania, according to the FNA.

“Fatemeh Vatankhah Rahmani under the pseudonym “Sima Vatankhah is a responsible of Masosud Rajavi’s guarding team, “Zhaleh Mahram Nia, member of Rajavi’s office and “Roqaieh Abbasi” called “Raana” are the three reported people.

The three female members who intend to leave Camp Liberty for Albania under fake identities are wanted by the Interpol.

The bottom line is that the three women were members of Massoud Rajavi’s guarding team. It seems that the MKO leaders seek to prepare their new camp in Tirana. Previously, some other high ranking members like Javad Khorasan and Mohammad Shaabani were relocated in Albania.

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