blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%American conservative Magazine

Two, Three, Many Chalabis

..MEK/MKO/PMOI was only removed by the State Department from the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2012, after heavily lobbying Congress. The group is communist and is often described as a cult. It is so extreme and so unrepresentative of the Iranian opposition in general that other regional experts testifying before Congress refused to appear on the same panel.

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Beware of Exiles and Their Promises

The ongoing rehabilitation of the MEK/MKO/PMOI is a good example of this. Most Iranians in Iran and around the world detest the MEK for good reason, but to listen to their many fans in and out of government one would think that they area democratic government-in-waiting and that cult leader …

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The MEK and the Deal with Iran

As he has done before, Shelton presents the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and its allies as Iran’s “main opposition,” but this is plainly false. The group is widely hated inside Iran and has almost no support in the Iranian diaspora. It is wildly unrepresentative of what most Iranians in Iran and elsewhere want for their country, and it is also at odds with what most Iranians think about the nuclear deal. Most Iranians support the deal…

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McCain Is the MEK’s Newest Fan

.. McCain has been a leading advocate for a policy that has sent weapons into Syria when they have been seized by Jabhat al-Nusra or ISIS. Those are just the most obvious examples of McCain’s terrible judgment. McCain doesn’t discriminate when it comes to choosing allies of convenience in pursuing unwise and reckless goals, so it was probably just a matter of time before he started associating with the MEK/MKO/PMOI.

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The Washington Times’ Pro-MEK Propaganda

Last week, many current and former American politicians, officials, and retired military officers disgraced themselves with their cheerleading for the totalitarian cult Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI at the latest Paris rally for its political umbrella group, the so-called National Council of Resistance of Iran.

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The Backlash Against the MEK’s Fans in Congress

The enthusiasm of some hawks in Congress for the Mujaideen-e Khalq (MEK) has started to create a bit of a backlash. The Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee invited the cult’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, to testify remotely as part of a panel on ISIS. That prompted one former State Department official to withdraw from the meeting entirely…

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Bolton and the MEK

Bolton is hardly the only former official, retired officer, or ex-politician to do this, but for the last several years he has been a vocal cheerleader of the Mujahideen-e Khalq cult aka MKO/MEK/PMOI (and “former” terrorist group) and its political organization. He has been consistently misrepresenting a totalitarian cult as a “democratic” Iranian opposition group.

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The Disgraceful Pro-MEK Campaign Continues

Anyone advocating for Western support of this organization and its allies is not helping anyone inside Iran. All that MEK aka MKO/PMOI boosterim does is to try to whitewash a monstrous group that has killed both Americans and Iranians. Maginnis is just one of many current and former Western politicians and officials to be recruited into the disgraceful campaign to legitimize this monstrous group. ..

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The Disgraceful Shilling for the MEK Continues

the MEK aka MKO/PMOI has claimed all sorts of spurious, self-serving things about what it represents. Despite being a bizarre authoritarian cult with Marxist and quasi-Islamist views, it now pretends to be exactly what Westerners want an Iranian exile group to be. It doesn’t matter to the MEK’s American fans that it is lying about its political views, and they are obviously not worried about reciting those lies for Western audiences

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