blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Iran Ghalam Association

Ali Jahani Fard letter to the Iraq Prime Minister

We know that the leaders of this notorious cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] specifically the Rajavis after the fall of the former dictator of Iraq , Saddam Hussein , have played their role as the opposition of your legitimate and popular government and these leaders according to their violent essence and content have tried their best to preserve Ashraf , ..

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Mr. Tajbakhsh Open letter to Mr.Nuri Al Maleki

Massoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Ghajar Azdanlo who both later became the leaders of pmoi/MKO/MEK outside of Iran , they converted their organization to a very dangerous religious cult. At this path of digression and metamorphosis, -They caused inter organizational clean up , imprisonment and incarceration and slaying of the dissidents . …

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Imposture of MKO leadership for more bloodshed

the imposture and deceptions of the leadership of mujahedin’s cult( PMOI, MKO, MEK, Rajavi’s cult) for more bloodshed and killing of those captives in Ashraf has entered to the new phase and this time with new tricks they are trying their best to obstruct in the peaceful leaving process of those stranded captives from Iraq because according to Rajavi’s speech..

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Pay attention to Mujahedin and their deterrent policies

As you are well informed that the relocation of Mujahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI from Iraqi soil has been the request of the lawful and legitimate Iraqi government for almost a decade , and in the recent months with intervention of United Nations to this subject , logical and feasible solution regarding to relocation of the pmoi members to the temporary and transitional liberty camp and then the relocation of those members to the third country has begun ..

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The Mujahedin’s cult should evacuate Ashraf Camp as soon as possible

It seems that your official intervention can be a serious help in this regard and it can overcome all the pmoi leadership’s excuses , pretexts and decisions. We are urging you to force pmoi to stay devoted to its own commitments which officially accepted and signed in front of the UN representative and in this regard they should accept all the consequences if they do not accept and reject the concluded agreement. ..

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Open letter to Hillary Clinton on Mojahedin Khalq

to the best of my knowledge of this cult , all these tricks and deceptions have been utilized by the leaders of PMOI/MKO/MEK to deceive the international societies because Rajavi and his supporters and advocates are not willing to leave this notorious garrison even for one day and their real intention is to buy time as much as possible by deception and fraud , because Rajavi does not have more than one objective which is keeping all those..

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Leaders Of MKO Abused our Human Rights in Camp Ashraf

.. 2. The dissidents should not leave their designated perimeter . 3. Every night , the dissidents should face the brainwashing and indoctrination sessions which is accompanied by swearing , curse and insult. 4. The residents of Ashraf camp are not allowed to meet and visit their family and their loved ones 5. The people who show their willingness to leave the organization , they will be facing harsh punishment in collective sessions such as swearing , curse ..

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Soltani: MKO trying to keep the captives as long as possible

after the dead end of the pmoi strategy and its failure in Iraq , the pmoi leadership and its horrifying organization has concentrated and focused its activities in United States ,Europe , and specially in France and in this regard the Mayors of different cities in France such as Auvers sur Oise , Villepinte, Paris , Taverny , and some of the former members of the French assembly and the deans of the French universities have been under pmoi propaganda bombardment . ..

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Iranian Pen Club to the European supreme court of justice

you should ask this organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] to declare this transformation by an official statement . otherwise you should accept that you have been deceived by their false policies and their hired lawyers but their movement and activities are under vigilant Iranian people surveillance and they will not be deceived. The bitter truth is that before of all the Iranian people have been paying the price of the terrorism..

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Rajavi relocates Camp Ashraf to France

We would like also to mention that all cults need an isolated place with high walls to carry out and implement the brainwashing technique on their members , the Ashraf castle in Iraq and Auvers sur Oise castle in France have provided for such purpose for pmoi aka MKO/MEK terrorist cult . At the end we would like all the French politicians , the former representatives and members of French parliament and the deans of the French universities, ..

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