blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Sahar Family Website

Letter of Sahar Family Foundation to Jane Holl Lute

It is now about 6 months since you were appointed as the UN Secretary-General’s special adviser to relocate the residents of Camp Liberty to other countries. We are aware that you have always been successful in your previous tasks and no one doubts your capabilities. We wish kindly to ask you to let us know what efforts …

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Camp Liberty residents’ questions go unanswered

With reference to the sayings of Massoud Rajavi, one of the MEK officials said, “We lost our chance in the past election in 2009, if we lose our chance this time the overthrow of the regime will not be possible for another 8 years”. Apparently the cult had sent some sabotage teams into Iran who were arrested before they could do anything. In his internal …

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Letter of Sahar Family Foundation to Martin Kobler

Dear Mr Kobler, Following your remarks that the MEK, which has 3400 members in Camp Liberty in Iraq, does not cooperate with the international bodies to solve the problem of relocating the residents to third countries, we decided to raise some issues and questions along with some propositions and demands. What follows might …

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Has the final resettlement to third countries started?

In these meetings Rajavi clearly stated: “as your spiritual leader I vow that the blood of anyone trying to leave us must be shed”. Then Rajavi pointed out that there is no sin worse than leaving his cult and the person who does so must be most severely punished. This should be noted with all seriousness by the western countries ….

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