Appeasing Corbett: MKO’s last resort

A few months ago, a British court called POAC tried to ask for deproscription of Rajavi’s cult from the terror list. The cult also used the opportunity to launch a lot of propaganda on that ruling and acted as if the ruling was executed and the cult is removed from the list.

While MKO was busy cheering for the ruling, British government didn’t recognize the ruling and the court took the complaint to higher authorities. This act of British government meant as MKO’s stay on the list of the country and disappearance of the cult’s happiness carnival.


A few weeks after the mentioned challenges, the cult went on publishing an article written by Lord Corbette, the chairman of Labour Party. In the article, Corbette accused the British government of appeasing Iranian government since it has refused the ruling of POAC court, asking Straw to apologize to the cult and to dismiss the cult’s illegality. Corbette supported Maryam Rajavi writing that” she struggles for women’s right and a secular government in Iran!”

Now, he needs to consider some points:

1. The honorable Lord Corbette! Why don’t you take a look at women of Camp Ashraf before talking about Maryam Rajavi and her women’s rights? Why don’t you investigate if there is any human doctrine or rhetoric in which women are kept away from their origin and

2. family? Is it a women’s right to be forced to do hard work becoming a stone hearted person?

3. We suggest that Lord Corbette looks for the conditions of the defectors of the cult who are wondering in Iraq or looking for refuge in European countries. Why don’t you listen to former supporters and later dissidents talking about the dictatorship ruling the cult?

4. If Jack Straw should apologize from the cult due to preventing the cult from the activities that lead to the destruction of the members, who should apologize those broken hearts due to wrong policies of Rajavis?

5. Dear Lord Corbette, if the stay of MKO cult on terror list is “ppeasing Iranian government “ who are you appeasing by supporting such a cult?

6. You cry on the bodies of your soldiers who voluntarily or by force attack the innocent people of another country but you consider these spies, traitors and Saddam’s cooperators in killing their own patriots as democratic fighters!? You give the medal of courage to the invaders but you support the enemy’s of their own soldiers?!

7. Dear Mr. Corbette, it’s a scandal for an honorable person like you to support terrorists who are not only hated by Iranians but also by the international community. But the Rajavi’s cult made a big mistake supposing that it can get rid of this cul-de-sac by the support of such people ( like Corbette) since it is nothing but politics and in the politics you are only a bargaining chip against your own nation.

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