Terror Victims families’ statement condemning France’s backing of MKO

The Statement of Justice Society, Terror Victims families, in condemning the France’s backing of the MKO

28 June 1981 is the anniversary of the assassination of 72 outstanding members of the biggest Iranian Party. They were martyred in Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization’s terrorist operation. This is another evidence of the crimes of this terrorist organization. MKO began its operations before the Revolution and up to now has murdered 12000 people.

We are the families of the victims who have been killed by the MKO terrorists. Since we have realized the malicious nature of this cult with all our hearth and soul, condemning terrorism in any form, we believe that:

At the outset of third millennium, the history witnesses another black era of the sovereignty of sect-like thoughts which do not present any gift other than terror and aggression. The innocent people’s blood is the only fund of such a thought which intends to destroy humankind. Undoubtedly Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization with its countless crimes is the clearest evidence of this type of inhumane thinking.

Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization has perpetrated various crimes including kidnapping, high jacking, armed robbery and attacks on civilians and military forces. It has displayed terrorism in the most horrible forms like setting the corpse on fire or chopping them up.

It is quite surprising that this organization which has itself confessed to the assassination of American counselors in Iran and murder of Iraqi Kurds and Kuwaiti youths- whose corpse were unearthed in Ashraf Camp- now enjoys the complete support of western powers such as France. France has now turned into a safe haven for the anti-human activities of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization. In spite of the existence of tens of international and regional conventions which condemn terrorism and emphasize on the necessity of encountering its operatives, how would French politicians respond the Iranian terrorism victims’ families for their illegal backing of the MKO. Mojahedin-e Khalq organization has recently deployed several terrorist groups to Iran for planting bombs in different parts of Tehran. This reality obviously proves that this organization not only doesn’t want but also can not abandon its treacherous and terrorist nature.

Indeed, how French politicians allow a terrorist organization that has confessed to the murder of 12000 children of this country, to hold anti-Iran gatherings and demonstrations? Isn’t it the evident violation of international laws? How could an organization, whose terrorist and sect-like nature has been approved by various documents released in European and American countries, deserved to be removed from European Union list of terrorist organizations? How is it possible that the MKO leaders who had been arrested in 2003 under the charges of terrorism and money-laundering now freely attend in European parliaments and fabricate lies?

French statesmen must know that the world public opinion and Iranian nation who have experienced the bitter taste of terrorism can never realize the logic behind such a dangerous measure. They ask this question that ‘isn’t it a threat to the global community to let this terrorist organization be free’? Wouldn’t the classification of terrorism to Bad and Good categories, expand the activities of similar groups? Have you pondered over the consequences of these supports? Is there any guarantee for abandoning terrorist acts by MKO members?

On this basis, we, the Families of Terrorism Victims, strongly request France and other European countries to take into account the contents of the Security Council Resolution 1373, which criminalizes any type of support from terrorists, considers them as prosecutable, and necessitates all member states to cooperate in the process of fighting against terrorism. In this regard another question comes to mind: Supporting Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization is not an obvious violation of Resolution1373?

Consequently, we, the descendents of victims of terrorism condemning any western support from Mojahedin-e Khalq organization, call for the insistent encounter of these countries and international bodies with MKO leaders.

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