Three Ashraf Residents Escape the Cult of Rajavi

On Friday December 2nd, 2011, three residents of Ashraf Garrison escaped their headquarters and submitted to Iraqi forces. They then joined the families picketing in front of Camp Ashraf, in Azadi installation. Family members of one of the defectors were among the picketing families.
He said that he had heard his sister’s voice via loudspeakers and had recognized her. Thus he was encouraged to endanger his life and ran away.

“Thank God, I could release myself” he said. He hugged and kissed his brother and sister. The three escapees were warmly welcomed by the families who had tears of happiness in their eyes.

The defectors said that a lot of Ashraf residents are waiting for an opportunity to flee the camp and set themselves free.

The names of the new separated members will be soon published if they are willing to.

Translated by Nejat Society

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