Families of MKO Cult hostages picketing in front of Camp Liberty

24 Iranians who have travelled to Iraq from Khorasan Razavi, Khuzestan and Yazd provinces ,hope to make contact with their loved ones in Camp Liberty.

These are family members of individuals in the camp and have become concerned about reports that their loved ones may be transferred to Albania without notice and wish to be able to see them.

They stress that they have no political agenda and only wish to make family visits.

The families stand our side Camp Liberty hold placards with the names of their loved ones.

They shout:” meeting with our loved ones is our fundamental human right”.

The families appeal to the UN, Iraqi authorities and MEK to facilitate their meeting with their loved ones in Temporary Transit Location (Camp Liberty).

Mujahedin-e Khalq leaders forbids any family contact both within and outside the Cult Camps.

Download Families of MKO Cult hostages picketing in front of Camp Liberty

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