Iranian Pen Club

The Iranian Pen Club Letter to the UNHCR

Mojahedin will resort to every possible means to throw a spanner in the works of the UNHCR. Now Maryam Rajavi the wife of the leader of the Mojahedin has issued the following clear statement from her HQ in France: “ … we will not allow the line of the mercenaries Maliki and Barezani and the strategy of their masters, the Iranian regime, to prevail under the pretext of interviewing people one by one and …” and she continues “… all the Mojahedin members should only be taken for interviews using helicopters …” ..

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Mrs. Maleki Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

Its ideology is a combination of Marxism and Islam.Their ideology is based on fighting against capitalism and they believe that the United States of America is the symbol of global capitalism and they call the USA ‘the World-Eater Imperialism’. Their ideological principle and objective is based on fighting against the United States and its interests, and in this regard they have written and published many books such as, The Carter Presidency (World Eater Imperialism).

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The Iranian Pen Club letter to the France Minister

we wish to express the sincere gratitude of the Iranian Pen Club for your enlightening response to Written Question of Mr. Jean-Pierre Chevènement. ( published in the OJ Senate 10/09/2009 – page 2110 )..We strongly believe despites of MKO had been using the French soiled for their terrorist activities .but because of vast knowledge and experience of French authority of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI terrorist organization for past two decade, that made them the most series elements to prevent expansion of violence and terrorism in France..

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Mr. karami, Human Rights activist attacked by MKO member

… In conclusion, we request from you as Ambassedor of Sweden in France that considering the local and internernational threat posed by the terrorist cult Mojahedin-e Khalq and Mr. Akbar Aramideh , member of this terrorist cult as described above … The violent attack on this public meeting was planned by Maryam Rajavi. She is planning in France ( Auvers-sur-Oise ) and conducting terrorist activities in Europe.

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The Iranian Pen Club letter to the French Ambassador in Germany

Mr. Bernard de Montferrand , As you know that peoples Mojahedin organization ( PMOI/MKO) which has been residing in your country for decades, had cooperated and participated in many crimes against humanity in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s reign and they have been taking advantage of the democracy and freedom in European countries specially in your motherland, France.

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The Iranian Pen Club letter to the main political Parties of Spain

As you are aware, when Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was removed, some terrorist Cults with regional and international activities lost their only godfather and benefactor. One of them is the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. Also the Mojahedin have alienated their own members and supporters who dare to speak about these realities. The organization imprisoned them so the others would understand the price of criticism. There are many who have had to undergo imprisonment and torture ordered directly by Mr and Mrs Rajavi. Above and beyond that, was the exposure of the plans of the so called National Council of Resistance to eliminate disaffected members and critics.

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Letter of the Iranian Pen Club to President Sarkozy

As you may well be aware the MKO is considered as a terrorist cult by many governments and establishments around the world. This organisation is utilising psychological techniques to mentally manipulate its own members in order to make them commit deeds they would not perform in normal status.

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The Iranian Pen Club Letter to Ms Megevanal Roggo, International Committee of the Red Cross The Middle East Department

According to the news received in the last few days by Iran-Ghalam (IRAN-PEN) association, the condition of disaffected members of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation who are now accommodated in the TIPF part of Ashraf Camp is critically dangerous. Some personalities have already raised concern not the least Mr. Mohammed Hasibi who has written an open letter today, 21 December 2007 raising his deep concern about the situation of these people

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Cult leaders extent of misuse of their members

Cult leaders need obedient followers as the tools they use to push forward their violent ideological agenda. And in this way those who do or even could pose a threat to the execution of such orders, and especially who pose any threat to the position of the leader should be, and usually are, the first victims to be got rid of and silenced. This is particularly evident at every point of history of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation following the Internal Ideological Revolution which began in 1985 and evolved to its peak with forced divorces

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