Massoud Banisadr

Masoud Banisadr:Living and Escaping a Terrorist Cult

MeK was designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department until 2012. The Iranian government estimates that MeK activity has claimed some 12,000 Iranian lives over the last three decades.Operating from exile, the organization had all the trappings of a cult. Attracting young, idealistic Muslims with slogans of Islamic justice and social freedom,..

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Dr. Massoud Banisadr speech at London Press Conference

Like any other disease; for terrorism, we either can understand its characteristics and our vulnerabilities and immunise ourselves and our society against it, or fight its symptoms, prescribing a very strong painkiller that can harm healthy part of organism as well. Unfortunately, as usual, governments have a habit of going for …

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Steve Hassan interviews Masoud Banisadr, former member of MEK

“Masoud Banisadr, a former Iranian MEK [Mojahedin-e-Khalq] cult member came up with this idea – he said after a civil trial, there should be a sharia trial. An Islamic cleric should come in and basically try the person and say, ‘You’re going to hell, because the Koran explicitly states you should not harm women, children, elderly,’” …

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Former MeK top official answers questions

through use of different techniques of mind manipulation I was forced to give them whatever they asked me; first any capital or material things we had; then any love, attachments or relation we had with our country, our family and friends in Iran; then when they asked all members to divorce their spouses, I lost love of my life, my dear wife and could not see my children for almost six years; I lost part of my health, and many times were on the edge of dying for them. ..

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The outset of Rajavi’s longtime treason

.. Mr. Rajavi[MKO/MEK/PMOI leader] came to my room and told that Mr. Tariq Aziz had asked to visit him .. I told him:”Now that you accepted to visit him, you should treat him the way our Iranian Emperor Shahpour the first treated the Roman Valerian… He [Tariq Aziz] should understand that he had invaded a country which has national pride. You should notify that and you shouldn’t let the visit last more than half an hour.”.. the meeting lasted 5 hours so that the following day Le Monde newspaper wrote that Mr. Tariq Aziz bought Mr. Rajavi or something like that..

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Masoud: Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel

The memoir of Masoud Banisadr, until 1996 a US and Eu­ropean representative of the National Council for Resistance (NCR), the MKO’s nominally independent political wing, helps present a picture of the organization as it functioned from the late 1970s. Masoud is especially timely, since the MKO, though deemed a”terrorist organization”by the State Department and several European governments, has been identified by neo-conser­vatives Daniel Pipes and Patrick Clawson as a candidate to bring”the tide of freedom”to Iran.

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