PMOI’s Ideological Revolution

Why ‘freedom of thought’ is a sin in the Mojahedin?

..Why ‘freedom of thought’ is a sin in the Mojahedin?…the”Second Phase of the Ideological Revolution”in 1989, married couples and children were separated from one another in a bid to divert all personal love and affection towards the Ideological Leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi…..Inside Ashraf Camp the refectories were separated, men and women would not sit in the same car, and even the petrol station had separate timetables for men and women ..

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What Kind of Alternative? refusing to do the hard, long and complicated work, the Mojahedin leadership exhibited extremely poor political judgment, fatal immaturity, and an instinctive distrust for the people. On top of that, they left their cadres and supporters wide open for brutal repression that they should have expected and should have been prepared for…They have very little public support inside Iran, and are in fact reviled by most ordinary people because of the patronage bestowed on them by Saddam,

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