As an Iranian Arab, Taleb Farhan left his home town in South of Iran for the United Arab Imarets, in 1999. Soon, he could find a job as a driver because he could speak Arabic fluently. He resided in the Iranians’ dormitory where his fate was ruined by the agents of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi).
Farhan had planned to immigrate to Europe and the MEK recruiters promised him to give him a political case as a member of the group in Iraq and then he would move to Europe through Iraq. They took him to their team house in Dubai.
All day long, videos of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi’s speeches and the MEK army in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, were shown to Farhan and other Iranian youth who wished to go to Europe via Iraq.

Farhan and the others were taken to an Iraq port by ship. They were then transferred to Baghdad by a few MEK representatives. The trip ended up by reaching Camp Ashraf. A few weeks after entering the camp, Farhan found out that exit is forbidden. He asked the MEK authorities why the do not keep their promise to take him to Europe. “There is no way out,” they answered. “As you came to Iraq illegally, we will deliver you to Iraqi forces and they will imprison you in Abu Quraib for at least ten years.
Farhan was stuck in the cult-like system of the MEK. He had to attend long brainwashing and self-criticism meetings. He was victim of forced labor in response to his passiveness in the organizational regulations.
He endured oppressions until 2003 when the US invaded Iraq and eventually disarmed the MEK. He moved to the camp that the American military built for MEK defectors, called TIPF. From there, he could finally manage to return to Iran.
He lives in Abadan, Khuzestan province, now. “Damn Rajavi and the authorities of his cult who ruined the life of a large number of Iranian youth,” he says.