
Warnings that frustrate Mojahedin Khalq

… There is no doubt that Auver-sur-Oise has captured MKO members by means of cultic mechanisms and brainwashing techniques. However, the presence or absence of these dungeons has hardly ever been mentioned in our articles since it is an irrelevant issue …the ideological bastion of Mojahedin is to be relocated to Auver-sur-Oise. Finding the characteristics of this camp is very easy since there is no difference between Mojahedin’s two ideological bastions in Iraq and France.

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Maryam Garrison: Center for MKO’s crimes

After the Masud Rajavi’s settlement in Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s support, Camp Ashraf was MKO/PMOI headquarters to lead its terror activities, Camp Maryam in Auvers-Sur-Oise has also played an vital role for years… human rights activists and institutions should warn the French government of the crimes committed in camp Maryam in order to prevent a human catastrophe happening. They have to close down the camp.

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A terrorist camp at the heart of Europe

Although Mojahedin/Mujahedin refrain to release information on their dwelling in Val d’Oise, the statements made by many MKO/PMOI/MEK former members living there implies that Mojahedin have managed to build another Camp Ashraf in France. ..The existing condition of Mojahedin now on the brink of being expelled from Iraq, maintained on the global terrorist lists, their failure to secure refugee status in other countries, as well as their widespread campaign and organized rallies in Geneva necessitate a more in-depth study of Auvers-Sur-Oise, the small town that houses a dormant terrorist organization and an active cult of personality.

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What’s up in Auver Sur Oise?

MEK created a perfect garrison in the heart of Europe; they have made the French Parisian country side, Ouver Sur Oise, their headquarters to control their cult;..There are various teams who serve there: a team to control the members organizationally; a team to arrange foreign relations; a team to manage financial sources and money laundry. …there are separate buildings which house the so-called members of the council . They are considered as the cult’s political and cultural arms. But when it is the turn for the more internal relations of the cult these people are called as lazy people without motivation, who should always be pushed to work.

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Auvers-Sur-Oise; Mojahedin dead-end in France

Of the main cause behind intensifying security measures in Auvers-Sur-Oise and concealing it from the focus of the media may be the fact that Mojahedin are highly concerned about the rumors running rampant that insiders are deserting…despite pro-democratic and peace-seeking gesture of Mojahedin(PMOI/MEK) leaders, Auvers-Sur-Oise is a cultic bastion and an assembly of terrorist plotters set in the heart of Europe. It might well answer the question that why Mojahedin refrain to admit anyone to Auvers-Sur-Oise while they insistently invite their Western advocates to visit Camp Ashraf

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Auvers-Sur-Oise, the blind spot in the Val d’Oise

in spite of overexposure of Camp Ashraf, why Mojahedin(PMOI/MEK) keep silent on releasing the least amount of information on their main quarters in France where the leaders, on whom the survival and life of the cult depend, are residing and making decisions?…Few of the tourists are aware that the town is now home to an almost cult-like Iranian opposition group, some of whose members have divorced their spouses as an act of loyalty to the cause and whose armed wing is on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations. The group’s devotion to Mrs. Rajavi is so extreme that some members set themselves on fire when she was briefly detained by the French police two years ago..

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Maryam Rajavi’s Camp; Inside and Outside

The European base of Mujahedin Khalq Organization(PMOI/MEK), near Auver sur Oise. in Cergy-Pontoise province, France, has played various roles as the MKO’s headquarters for its armed struggle against Iran, since its foundation under the confirmation of then French government, following its defeat in the partisan civil clashes, the leaders of the organization fled from Iran and the second phase of civil clashes was ordered and directed by the leader from their European base in France…it’s another version of “Ashraf in Iraq” called as “Maryam in France”.

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A Camp Ashraf in France

following the French police raid against Mujahedin’s HQs in Auvers-sur-Oise, M. Bousquet de Florian, the director of French counter-intelligence, confirmed that many MKO/PMOI leaders had returned to France since the American intervention in Iraq to turn “Auvers-sur-Oise into an operational headquarters for terrorism”. ..Now the Province of Diyali in Iraq becomes known as Val-d’Oise in France in the same way that the mayors of Val-d’Oise replace the Iraqi sheikhs and tribe leaders. Has France really accented to the formation of another Camp Ashraf in the heart of the country?

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