European Union

Europe vs. MKO

It seems that EU didn’t obey Vienna Convention (which is binding for all individuals) and removed the group from terror list in a political act. MKO/PMOI/MEK has committed numerous crimes worldwide especially in Iran and Iraq and its terrorist designation is perfectly documented based in true facts.

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Russian expert: Europe using terrorism for political purposes

A Russian scholar said the European Union (EU) manipulated such issues as terrorism and human rights for its own political purposes. Talking to IRNA here on Saturday, Ludmila Kulagina, as a top researcher in the Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, criticized the recent EU move in removing the terrorist Mojahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) form its terrorism list.

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EU lifts ban on MKO terrorists

The European Union has reportedly decided to remove the anti-Iran Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) from its terror blacklist. (A day after the arrest of their suicide bomber in Iraq)..the consensus must win final approval from EU foreign ministers at a meeting in Brussels on Monday in order to become fully operational. ..The group has a 40-year history of involvement in terrorist activities. It assassinated several Americans in Iran in the 1970s and criticized the founder of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for releasing the American diplomats in 1981, arguing instead that the hostages of the embassy takeover should have been executed.

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MEK formers pen letter to the European Union

… We as victims of this notorious cult ,are very surprised and insulted that the leader of this brutal cult ( MRS.MARYAM RAJAVI) whose hands are smeared with blood is allowed to participate in your parliament and even make speech in front of distinguished members of parliament which is going to happen in 26th of January ,2009 in Brussels . The conference will be implemented by the committee of sanitation and social affaires …

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Open Letter to The President of the Council of Europe

We, the emancipated victims of the Mojahedin cult will be pleased and appreciative as we admire Europe’s honest representatives, if the elimination of this sect from the terrorist groups’ list will result in the emancipation and freedom of the incarcerated victims of this cult in the Ashraf Garrison in Iraq…We, the liberated victims of this cult declare our opposition versus any political deal and action, which means that this cult shouldn’t be used as a political tool by Europe in the regional balance of power.

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MKO Remains on EU’s List of Terrorist Groups

A court that ruled that the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI), was wrongly included on list of terrorist organizations refuses to say when it should be taken off it… The European Court of First Instance has refused to clarify whether member states must immediately apply a judgment requiring an Iranian opposition group to be removed from the EU’s terrorist blacklist.

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A row that is likely to continue

The court in its 47 paragraph judgment says that “the Court finds that the continued freezing of the applicant’s funds by the contested decision was the result of a procedure during which the applicant’s rights of the defence were not respected” and consequently annuls the decision concerning MKO’s assets-freezing. Then, what it has to do with the removal of the organization from the terrorist list?

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PMOI Members are no ‘freedom fighters’

The PMOI is an organisation which according to information from many different sources has degenerated over time from a political movement combining Marxist and Islamic elements into a psycho-sect with a history of heavy brainwashing and repression of its members. The Rajavi couple rules the organisation in a totalitarian style combined with an elaborate personality cult. According to Human Rights Watch and a number of ex-members – some of which testified in a meeting of the Iran delegation last year -, dissident members”were tortured, beaten and held in solitary confinement for years at military camps in Iraq after they criticized the group’s policies and undemocratic practices, or indicated that they planned to leave

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MEP lines up with remains of Saddam against Iraqi government

as Vice-President of the European Parliament, I was surprised that I did not hear of your visit from Iraqi government officials. Perhaps you did not see the need to discuss your concerns about this foreign terrorist entity with the legitimate government of the country you were visiting. Unfortunately, the unofficial nature of your visit to this terrorist group aligns you with the remains of the Saddam regime in Iraq…

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