Former members of the MEK

MKO former members

BBC Yorkshire Radio Leeds interviews Anne Singleton

It is a word which resonates with people. More familiarly I would call it ‘mind control techniques. These are well-known, well-documented. For years and years destructive cults have been using them. The way that they work in essence is that they will take a perfectly ordinary person and strip that person of their values using specific psychological manipulation.

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Masoud: Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel

The memoir of Masoud Banisadr, until 1996 a US and Eu­ropean representative of the National Council for Resistance (NCR), the MKO’s nominally independent political wing, helps present a picture of the organization as it functioned from the late 1970s. Masoud is especially timely, since the MKO, though deemed a”terrorist organization”by the State Department and several European governments, has been identified by neo-conser­vatives Daniel Pipes and Patrick Clawson as a candidate to bring”the tide of freedom”to Iran.

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I escaped a terrorist cult

growning up in Leeds in the 1970s, life was ordinary and uneventful, but I wannted to change the world for the better. At university, I started going to meetings of a group called the People’s Mujaheddin, who were fighting to overthrow the Ayatollah in Iran….

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Awareness to Canadian on MKO attacks

The violence action in Paris on June 17, 2007, was orchestrated by Mr. Mohammad Hayati who is a top aide to Mr. and Mrs. Rajavi, who recently left MKO Military base in Iraq , Ashraf , Mr. Mohammad Hayati was one of the top commander of National Liberation Army who are responsible for many human tragedy during Iraq and Iran war .

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Interview with Arash Sametipour and Babak Amin in Austrian Die presse Newspaper

Mujahedin-e-Khalq at that time was considered a military force backed by Saddam Hussein trying to overthrow the Islamic regime of Iran. In 1999 Mujahedin sent him to Camp Ashraf in Iraq located in a hundred Kilometers from Iranian border. He was supposed to attempt upon a high ranking officer’s life. “My mission to assassinate that official failed”said Sametipour in his office named Nejat Society.”

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White, female – and a Mujahed

Anne Singleton from Leeds felt superhuman when she joined the Mujahedin fighting the Iranian government. Having discarded her Kalashnikov, she tells Billy Briggs her remarkable story to prevent others falling prey to cults and extremism

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Dr Banisadr delivered speech in London University

In his speech Dr Banisadr stated: “For example in 2003 when the co-leader of the MKO; Maryam Rajavi was arrested for few days in France, eleven members of the organization set themselves on fire in front of the French embassies in several countries and two of them, one in London, were killed as a result.

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