Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group


…According to journal”Mojahed”of June 1979, it was Yasser Arafat who initially put the MKO in touch with the Soviet Union. Therefore when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the people’s Mojahedin were at front to praise the Soviet Union.
During the 1970`s the Mojahedin assassinated at least six Americans in Iran. The PMOI also engaged in other violent operations, including bombings, assassination of Iranian civilians or officials, attack to Israel offices in Tehran, as well as bank or jewelry robberies in order to finance their activities. …

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Iran opposition group seeks US legitimacy

..the People’s Mujahideen Organisationaka PMOI/NCR/MEK and its political co-leader, Maryam Rajavi, are given leeway in the US as they campaign to have the”terrorist”tag removed and to become eligible for US funding of Iranian opposition groups…the group led by Mrs Rajavi and her husband Massoud, was outlawed by the US for its killing of Americans before the 1979 Iranian revolution; alleged collaboration with Saddam Hussein’s genocidal campaigns against Iraqi Kurds; and attacks on civilians inside Iran.

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Iranian Dissidents Square Off in DC

As supporters of the rival dissident groups vied for media attention, one group accused the other of being imposters. An hour and a half into the National Press Club event in Washington, D.C., organizers halted it and Capitol police were called in to keep order.

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MKO Critics Warn – Take MKO Threat Seriously

…Sending a letter to European countries, US and Canada, a group of former members of the MKO warned that the group is starting to harass them in western countries using its trained members. The letter said that a number of MKO members trained in security, intelligence and urban warfare courses had been deployed to Europe illegally.

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Report to Senate Foreign Relations Committee

One side of the opposition spectrum is represented by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO or MEK) which the U.S. State Department designated a”foreign terrorist organization”in 1997. Still identified as a terrorist organization, …From its Iraqi exile the MKO attacked the Iranian regime’s leadership: a 1981 bombing killed President Mohammad-Ali Rajai and Prime Minister Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, in 1992 it attacked 13 Iranian embassies, and it is behind other mortar attacks and assassination attempts in Iran. Former President Saddam Hussein granted the MKO refuge in Iraq,

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In the Shade of Saddam and Bush

The terrorist, who was then 25 years old, released the safety lock of his last grenade and exploded it. Five years later and after several operations, Sametipour now has an artificial arm, but he is content with being alive and talks of brainwashing by a group……. Human Rights Watch revealed the abuses and violations of human rights in the camps of this organization during the last two decades.

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Designations of Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations

Notice is hereby given of the designation by the Secretary of State of foreign persons whose property and interests in property have been blocked pursuant to Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001. These designations comprise 8 individuals and 29 organizations determined to meet the criteria set forth under subsection 1(b) of Executive Order 13224.

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MEK sleazy terrorists

One of the terrorist organizations that the U.S. accused Iraq of supporting during the run-up to the war, the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) aka PMOI/NCRI/MKO or the”People’s Combatants”, has been lobbying House Republicans and Democrats.
More than 300 U.S. legislators from both parties have at one time or other signed petitions in support of the MEK since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, and MEK spokesmen say they have offered the sect’s services to the United States.

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