Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Exiled Iranian Resistance Could Help Pressure Tehran?

..the Mujahiddeen /PMOI/NCR/MKO stays on the terrorist list for at least another two years and in return for this goodwill, Iran is more forthcoming in its nuclear pledges…the exiled Iranian resistance groups’ terrorist label can either be used as little more than a bargaining chip or -less likely- they might find that they might be fitted into a US cooked up plan for inciting popular uprisings inside Iran. Both ends of the spectrum have implications that might be unforeseen….”The MKO are highly disliked and disregarded by Iranians worldwide. During the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Hussein financed and utilized the MKO to institute several attacks against Iranians,”

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MKO Spying for Americans

The German weekly “Focus” quoted a former CIA employee and said that the US is spying on Iran by using Mojahedin-e Khalq members.
Beside the pictures of MKO tanks (which were received from Saddam Hussein), Focus quoted Ray McGovern saying: “There’s no doubt in Washington that this group (MKO) can be a good leverage against Iran.”

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MEK’s Gratitude for NYTimes and IHT Articles

President George W. Bush employed two major pretexts to dupe Americans into supporting the Iraq War: (1) extend the war on terror to Iraq, a major sponsor of terrorist organizations such as the MEK (2) find and destroy weapons of mass destruction….The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune have published claims contrary to American government reports.

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Bargaining with the Devil

It would seem that there is a great deal at stake for the 150 MEK supporters in Congress. Whether it is these congressional members who are providing Jafarzadeh, the MEK spokesman, with aerial photos of Iran’s nuclear facilities, or vice versa, the Bush administration is having a field day with it at the UN General Assembly.

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Who is the MEK?(Part two)

The War on Terror. The Iraqi occupation. The neoconservative idealist notion of liberating the Middle East. Regime change in Iran. All of the points reach a nexus with the Mujahideen-e Khalq [MEK] aka PMOI/MKO?NCRI, an anti-Iranian regime Foreign Terrorist Organization in Iraq with US backing. In this second installment of the series, I cover the Congressional and neoconservative support for the MEK and the MEK’s role as misinformed of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

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Who is the MEK?

The MEK/PMOI was founded an anti-Islamist rule organization which has sought a ‘people’s revolution’ in the nation of Iran since its inception in 1965…The MEK has a military faction called the National Liberation Army (NLA), and is also affiliated with the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)…. The MEK also assisted and endorsed the occupation of the US Embassy in Tehran and hostage taking.

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Oh where, O where have the terrorists gone?

The group, based at Camp Ashraf, near Baghdad, was under the protection of Saddam Hussein, and is under US guard while Washington decides on its strategy….The MEK aka PMOI has been declared a terrorist group by the state department, but a former Farsi-speaking CIA officer said he had been asked by neo-conservatives in the Pentagon to travel to Iraq to oversee ‘MEK cross-border operations’.

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US Openly Supports Iranian Terrorists

The Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) is a Marxist oriented Iranian resistance organization founded in the 1960’s to topple the pro- western regime of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. Since that time, MEK/PMOI has carried out scores of attacks and assassinated a number of Iranian government officials…During the U.S. invasion of Iraq, MEK forces in Iraq surrendered to U.S. forces and turned over their military hard ware….The country can now be used as a staging post for carrying out attacks against regimes hostile to U.S. interests in the region,

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IHRC concern as US redefines terrorism to support banned group

IHRC is deeply concerned at the latest inconsistent application of the definition of terrorism used by the US and its allies. A ceasefire was called last week between US forces in Iraq and the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organisation (MKO), an anti-Iranian group responsible for attacks including bombings around the world, which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians.

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