Mujahedin Khalq ‘s Function

MKO called INSA’s statement “false and misleading”

But of the most noticeable part of the statement is its threatening tone stating “the Iranian Resistance warns that such actions prepare the grounds for a human tragedy..It is natural for a terrorist cult to react against legal moves by a country’s authorized body when it has its own advocates that thoroughly close their eyes on its atrocities and even strive to remove it from terrorist lists.

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The use of politics for MKO

for MKO/PMOI leaders the only definition for politics is the power over their victims including their cult members and Western politicians. Given the use of politics is only to achieve power; the means to reach such a goal is justified to be anything. The means could include resorting to deception and lie to deceive western powerful governments, so dependence has no place in such a policy, ..

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MEK; Controversial freedom fighters

After the fall of Saddam there is no use from the cult-like militia, the U.S. is wary of them, because even killings of U.S. soldiers during the Shah’s time go to their account. ..The contradiction continues, because the EU states are divided in the assessment of the Iranian opposition movement. France wants to appeal the decision of the EU’s Court of appeal. States such as Austria, Ireland, Denmark and Luxembourg, however, argue that the Iranian opposition group after the decision of the EU judges could not stay on the terrorist list. This list, via a unanimous decision made by all 27 EU member states is renewed every six months.

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Pulling out the fangs of a viper

A deadly viper pretending to be lying dormant, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) suddenly went rampant just when the Iranian people tried to recover from the wreaks of a revolution and had just engaged in fending off the invasion of a greedy neighbor. It emptied all its venom into the nation and inflicted irreparable damages to the same people who had feed it.

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Egypt rejected MEK’s support demand

Egyptian diplomatic sources said Egypt has ignored a request by the delegation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization (MKO) that visited recently to demand the support of Egypt for the MKO/PMOI in the face of growing Iranian influence in Iraq. The source noted that in regard to the strained relations between Cairo and Tehran, which asserts that it can tolerate no more tension, the existence of disparities and problems in the relations in the recent period does not mean interference of Egypt in Iran’s internal affairs.

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A Rally for What?

Although never announced publically, the group[PMOI/MKO/MEK] claims that it has denounced terrorism since 2003. Neither the US nor the EU are convinced that it is sincere in its claims since the group is still running with its military platform in Camp Ashraf in Iraq where nearly 3500 members are held against their will. Furthermore, the demonstrators are reported to have been carrying a banner reading: “France has to apply the four verdicts of the European justice court and remove the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from the European Union’s list of terrorism”.

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MKO futile efforts to survive as a Guerrilla force

So having the base of the people guarantees the success of a guerrilla movement and this is what the MKO/PMOI lacks. Instead they could operate by enjoying the protection of the friendly regime of Saddam Hussein ..MKO lost its public support in three phases..MKO leaders find no way except prolonging their stay in Camp Ashraf, Iraq since their vital need is now awning a location where they can survive as a coercive army.

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Rajavi celebrates massacre in Gaza

What the BBC reported as ‘Massive Israeli air raids on Gaza’ has, according to a source near to Camp Maryam at Auvers-sur-Oise, been celebrated by the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO), aka National Council of Resistance as a ‘massive victory against the Iranian regime’.

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MKO: Yesterday’s Men?

One guest on this program, Anne Singleton, former member of the MKO (MEK, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi Cult, or Pol Pot of Iran) exposed the truth about the MKO. The other guest, a human rights attorney, defended the MKO using the logic that President Bush is the world’s worst terrorist! So, the American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) who support these communist terrorists have as political bedfellows those who claim to be Anti-President Bush. As the MKO continues to prove in America and in Europe, there is no shortage of dupes in the world.

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