A U.N. Call to Aid Iraq’s Iranian Refugees MEK

The plan now agreed to by the Iraqi government should be given a chance to work. As a first step, it calls for the camp residents to voluntarily relocate to a transit site at the Baghdad airport. In contrast to Camp Ashraf, this site would be monitored around the clock by observers from the United Nations. There, the residents would be interviewed by the U.N. refugee agency, the UNHCR, to determine their eligibility for refugee status..

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UN chief: Time has come for MEK relocation

The Secretary-General reiterates that the Government of Iraq bears the primary responsibility for the security and the welfare of the residents of Camp Ashraf..At the same time, the residents of Camp Ashraf also bear a responsibility to abide by the laws of Iraq. Any provocation or violence must be avoided and would be unacceptable…UNHCR and UNAMI had confirmed that the infrastructure and facilities at the new relocation camp met international standards.

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UN urges EU countries to take Camp Ashraf residents as refugees

Martin Kobler, Special representative of the UN Secretary General for Iraq, on Thursday urged the EU Member States to receive the Camp Ashraf’s residents in Iraq as refugees.”My message goes to the governments of EU Member States because the final purpose of the whole exercise to move people from one camp to the other for them to undergo the refugees’ status determination is to bring them abroad,”Kobler told a press conference in Brussels

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UN certifies that Camp Liberty meets international standards

This brings us a step further in ensuring that proper conditions are in place for voluntary relocation of Camp New Iraq residents.” UN monitors are ready to start round-the-clock human rights monitoring during the transport of residents from Camp New Iraq, as well as on their arrival at Camp Liberty, currently built to accommodate 5,500 people. UNHCR is also ready to start refugee status determination ..

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Open Letter from Sahar Family Foundation to Martin Kobler

Massoud Rajavi arranged a video conference with Ashraf inhabitants towards the end of September 2011..He directly threatened members of his cult that during interviews they should not say or write anything but their names and the period they have been in Ashraf garrison, and should not mention anything about wishing to leave the base of the cult since this would produce severe consequences for them.

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Ban welcomes the MoU signed by Iraq and UN on Camp Ashraf

He believes that the agreement lays the foundation for a peaceful and durable solution to the situation, respecting both the sovereignty of Iraq and its international humanitarian and human rights obligations. The MoU is the result of intense negotiations between his Special Representative for Iraq, Mr. Martin Kobler, and representatives of the Iraqi government. The residents of the camp have also been consulted. ..

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New documents and testimonies from Inside Camp Ashraf

It is worth mentioning that the MKO did not send its higher level members for this conflict and tried to send discontented and lower level members through deception and giving false information and by using the phobia of being arrested and sent to Iran. The MKO leaders wanted to get rid of the opposing members and also to use their blood for propaganda. Of course it must be said that the majority of the members did not accept to counter…

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The Iranian Pen Club Letter to the UNHCR

Mojahedin will resort to every possible means to throw a spanner in the works of the UNHCR. Now Maryam Rajavi the wife of the leader of the Mojahedin has issued the following clear statement from her HQ in France: “ … we will not allow the line of the mercenaries Maliki and Barezani and the strategy of their masters, the Iranian regime, to prevail under the pretext of interviewing people one by one and …” and she continues “… all the Mojahedin members should only be taken for interviews using helicopters …” ..

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Warning against violation of human rights in Ashraf

The information received shows that Rajavi has instructed his cult’s commanders to prevent any escape attempt no matter what the cost and they must stop them even if they have to shoot them. What is certain is that one of the most brutal and constant examples of violation of human rights is going on in Ashraf garrison and unfortunately for some delusional political interests, there is no reaction against it.

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