blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Anti War

Iran: DC Plot Suspect a High Profile MeK Member

Shakuri was charged, but never actually arrested, and the Justice Department insisted that he is “still at large.” Iran appears to have been looking for him for awhile as well, and says he has used forged Iranian passports with the names Ali Shakuri or Gholam-Hussein Shakuri as well.Iran’s state news agency Mehr speculated that the plot was actually an MeK aka MKO/PMOI effort to implicate Iran…

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Delist Terrorists as ‘Provocative’ Action Against Iran

Such comments would seemingly go against the MEK’s repeated claims to have transitioned from Islamo-Marxist cult into the non-violent champion of the free market it now styles itself as, but didn’t seem to phase anyone, including the conference’s organizer Ray Tanter, who insisted the attacks the MEK/MKO/PMOI has conducted inside Iran were simply “military activities” and didn’t count as terrorism.

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Antiwar’s Scott Horton interviews Gareth Porter on MEK

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses the infamous “laptop of death” documents from which the vast majority of “evidence” about Iran’s supposed clandestine nuclear weapons program comes from; the conspicuous mistakes in the documents that lead him to believe a foreign intelligence agency (probably Mossad) fabricated them; and how the MEK launders information, passing off documents sourced from Israel as their own…

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Texas Congressman Praises MEK Terrorists as ‘Freedom Fighters’

The MeK’s aka MKO/PMOI history of terrorist attacks includes repeated attacks on US businessmen and military personnel in pre-revolution Iran, and the group was one of the founding members of the “Foreign Terrorist Organization” list when it was created by the US State Department in 1997. The group is typified by its harsh reaction to any criticism, and was reported by Human Rights Watch to have run a private system of detention centers …

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Scott Horton and Trita Parsi discuss MKO terror group

Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, discusses the Mujahideen-e Khalq’s tendency to accuse their critics of working for the Iranian government; how constant US belligerence and the MEK’s violent radicalism serve as useful foils for the Iranian regime – discrediting dissidents and keeping the people in fear; how violent coups beget radical authoritarian governments, while nonviolent methods often deliver democratic results; the many former US officials now employed as well-paid lobbyists…

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Scott Horton Interviews Philip Giraldi

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses the MEK’s rightful place on the State Department’s (admittedly flawed and politicized) terrorism list; why a lack of determined opposition (unlike to, say, Jonathan Pollard’s pardon) will probably get the MEK what it wants; why Americans never seem to catch on even after being lied into war again and again;…

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MEK Threatens Antiwar Radio Guest

So say the Mujahedeen e-Khalq terrorists in the comment section below my recent interview of Huffington Post writer Shawn Amoei. They’re angry with him for having the temerity to say that they are the enemies of Iranian reformers and friends of the Israelis and Americans who want war with Iran. And that they are terrorists.At least they only threatened to sue me. Not that I would mind making the case in court for what commie-murderer-cultist former puppets of the Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld, disgraced neocons and the Israeli Mossad they are — or what a pathetic pile of lies their K-Street front, the NCRI, is constantly pushing about Iran’s nuclear program — not at all.

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More Talks to Remove MEK from Terror List

… Not only can MEK/MKO/PMOI not be trusted as an objective source of information, but the violence carried out against Americans in the past by this terrorist group should give great pause to anyone, especially members of government, considering supporting this group. Additionally, the bipolar nature of American-MEK relations, from the worst of enemies to best of friends and back again, gives absolutely zero assurance that this group would be conducive to American interests even in the near future ….

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Don’t Remove the MEK From the Terrorist List a result of intense lobbying and a deceptive campaign by the supporters of the MEK, the EU recently removed the organization from its list of terrorist entities.The same tactics are being used by the MEK in the United States. It has been spending millions of dollars on lobbyists, public relations agents, and communications firms in an attempt to pressure the State Department to remove the organization from the terrorist list. The MEK’s argument is that it renounced violence and terrorism in 2001. This is a lie. FBI documents indicate that as late as 2004 the MEK was involved in planning terrorist operations…If the MEK is removed from the terrorist list, there is no reason to believe it will not use its lobbying apparatus to obtain U.S. funding and to promote war with Iran.

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Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – US ‘Not Happy’ as Iraq Announces Plans to Close MEK Camp

US officials are reportedly “not happy” with the situation unfolding in the MEK’s Camp Ashraf, following yesterday’s raids by Iraqi forces. Today, the Iraqi government says that it plans to close the camp down entirely..Though the MEK is recognized as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, it has a complex relationship with the US. The Saddam-backed group has supplied the US with considerable information regarding Iran

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