blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Bahar Irani

Rajavi’s rationale behind starting Armed Warfare

as a habit and just on the threshold of the anniversary of the June incidents, MKO’s leadership starts a series of measures, but this year can especially be of importance. The propaganda began much earlier with Rajavi’s serial speeches made in an effort to review the history and the relevant post-revolution incidents.

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Rajavi, a devotee of the deviated

… Although the dispute over the acceptance of Islam or Marxism as the ideological infrastructure of the organization caused a schism in the organization with the consequent murder of Sharif-Vaqefi and emergence of the Marxist wing, it will be naïve to put all the blames just on Taqi Shahram and Bahram Aram as the opportunists that betrayed their comrades. …

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Why Rajavi gave over narrating chronicles?

… Now Rajavi is getting mired in a dilemma to clarify, now that he has started a review of his irreconcilable contrarieties with a revolution, who the perpetrators of terrorist deeds were and what he hoped to gain by these atrocities premeditated against noncombatant and civilian targets. He intentionally evades reviewing the events of the 20 June onward when Mojahedin …

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Rajavi’s new criteria to recognize critics

most former MKO/MEK/PMOI members report instances of the organization’s duality in dealing with its critics. They acknowledge the fact that Mojahedin suppress dissident members by means of intimidation, torture, false accusations, contempt and other psychological pressures as well as being branded as the agents and traitors. None of the Rajavi’s plotted scenarios to pose a pro-democratic seem to be working especially when he tries to proselytize hostile attitudes towards critics.

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Rajavi and his critics

..any critic or complainer will face a variety of allegations since the leader never tolerates them. It is a well proven fact within Mojahedin Khalq Organizatin (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI) and Massoud Rajavi goes further in his message of January 20th in an attempt to justify his hostile and aggressive reactions against his critics..

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NLA, Iranian’s historical achievement

… It seems that Rajavi has been persuaded that his tricks are of no use and new methods are required to divert the attention of Ashraf residents from realities. The new assertion of Rajavi in his message of January 20th can be evaluated in this regard … Rajavi’s grandiose claims have many irrecoverable consequences paid mainly by NLA and Ashraf residents as his false promise of short-time overthrow failed and was replaced by a promise of 6-month..

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Solution or an escape from challenges

The concerns that had been challenges to MKO’s leadership in the past three decades can be well met in Rajavi’s message of January 20. Of the main issues is that of overthrowing and changing the Iranian regime. The strategic cul-de-sac and failures of Mojahedin in recent years have resulted in taking some cursory policies including declaring short-term overthrow, entering the phases of armed warfare ..

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Paranoid delusions, Rajavi’s adopted solution

What is of great significance in Rajavi’s 20 January message that seems to be continued for some time is his paranoid delusions. Going through Iran’s past thirty-year history by weaving together distortions and misreports that may only emit from a paranoid mind, he is trying to put the blame of all ideological, political and strategic failures of all these years on external intrigues against his organization..

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Camp Ashraf, preparing for the final battle

On Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays the MKO/PMOI/MEK members undergo self-defense trainings by using non-fire arms like knives and bow and arrows. The latter is so sophisticatedly made that easily penetrate any common protective jackets. They have also devised petrol-filled capsules wrapped in cloth that can be catapulted far away. Another creative weapon is a very sharp, short knife carried under clothes to be used in close man to man encounters. As there is an anchor rope that is used to pull away the forces. They have recently crafted a hand-grenade-like pack filled with wax-like material to stun whoever

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MKO’s illusion of being above the law

Being under such an illusion, MKO/MEK/PMOI has been a trouble for any country whose authorities have been under obligation to deal with this terrorist cult according to their countries’ laws. It has its own criteria to judge about the laws and what the right may be which are, of course, found out of the regular and adopted constitutions and regulations. Above that, it considers itself a law-making nucleus whose laws overshadow that of any legal body of legislation and every instrument of law enforcement; within its organizationally codified laws it outlaws any law that goes against its interests.

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