blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Bahar Irani

Warnings that frustrate Mojahedin Khalq

… There is no doubt that Auver-sur-Oise has captured MKO members by means of cultic mechanisms and brainwashing techniques. However, the presence or absence of these dungeons has hardly ever been mentioned in our articles since it is an irrelevant issue …the ideological bastion of Mojahedin is to be relocated to Auver-sur-Oise. Finding the characteristics of this camp is very easy since there is no difference between Mojahedin’s two ideological bastions in Iraq and France.

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A golden opportunity for Ashraf residents

The focal point of the recent statements of Mowaffaq al-Rubaie, the Iraqi security advisor, on MKO has been the necessity of detoxifying the ideological bastion of Ashraf to make its residents decide their own destiny. Also, it can be used as a model for averting the potential danger of other cults and guaranteeing the freedom of their members..Iraqi officials can prepare the ground for Ashraf residents to make an informed decision and be master of their own destiny forever and free from cultic relations of MKO. .

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MKO backlash over warnings

To cross the red-line drawn by MKO is not at all tolerable by the organization. Take the main bastions of MKO for instance, Camp Ashraf in Iraq and the one situated in Auver-sur-Oise in France. While the organization praises and is much delighted seeing the media and attentions directed to the former, the latter is an inviolable line and prohibited to bring up.

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People’s court; Rajavi’s favored form of impeachment

Masoud Rajavi as the ideological leader of Mojahedin has been reminded of his past ideas calling international bodies and his audience to form people’s courts under the title of trial and retaliation in less than one month after the removal of MKO from the EU terrorist list. Furthermore, Maryam Azdanlu, the false pro-democratic leader of MKO/PMOI/MEK in her recent speech on the 30th anniversary of Iranian anti-monarchy revolution uses the same words and expressions of Masoud Rajavi for threatening the global society

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Fighting back illegitimate claims

the organization seeks to force itself on Iraq as recognized refugees with granted rights far beyond those conventionally granted. However, the question is that is it actually possible to grant asylum to MKO members and is the Iraqi government forced under any convention to recognize the group as refugees?..the position takings of Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Azdanlu imply that their main concern is hardly asylum seeking

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Rajavi depicts truth at will

Evidently due to Rajavi’s illusionary ideas and megalomania that seems to be intensified after the fall of Saddam, he assumes a major role for Mojahedin in the future of the US-Iran conflict. Likewise, he even dares to tie global security with his decision makings. Doing so, he aims to deceive the public opinion and make the ground for the settlement of Mojahedin in camp Ashraf.

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Great Expectations of a terrorist cult

Those familiar with the true nature of MKO are well aware of the fact that the terrorist cult can hardly back away from a four-decade long strategy of armed struggle. As noticed in Rajavi’s message of December 27, now after being removed from the EU terror list, Rajavi hopes its organization to be rearmed but legally this time.

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Imaginary invaders of Camp Ashraf

As it is the case with majority of cult leaders, they always try to warn against imaginary enemies that might be jeopardizing the life of people. In most cases they threaten to strongly react in the case of any alien invasion or government intervention…The western advocates of Rajavi should take necessary precautions not to pave the way for turning MKO into another al-Qaeda or Taliban as a terrible nightmare for the US and its allies

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The intrusive tone of Rajavi’s message

… Rajavi quotes Mojgan Parsaee of the possibility of the occurrence of a cultic and human disaster, that is, a general “hunger strike to death”. In fact, it is a warning to Iraqi officials of an imminent war. He also refers to the decision of the EU and tries to use it as a proof on the legitimacy of MKO’s settlement in Iraq. Furthermore, he claims that the name of Mojahedin has never been in the terrorist list of the Security Council. It seems that he has forgotten …

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Deluded Masud Rajavi demands Iraq obey European law

The first sentence of Masoud Rajavi’s message in December, 27th on MKO’s removal from the EU terrorist list referred to his ecstasy of delight for excluding the possibility of Mojahedin’s expulsion from Iraq.He resorted to the point that since the EU has removed MKO from its terrorist list, terrorist accusations of MKO are no longer of any effect and Iraqi government cannot prevent their presence in Iraq due to their terrorist charges.

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