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The reasons of Rajavi’s Cult stay in FTO list

The US confirms that MEK leadership and members across the world maintain the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and beyond. -MEK had been one of the most violent movements opposed to Pahlavi Dynasty and its close relationship to the United States (fighting America was along with their fight against Imperialism and appeasement of communism )

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Mujahedeen, the master of bluffing

During the deporting from France in 1995, Maryam declared that there was no need to do political activities, and they should continue with army activities.
When the Mujahedeen were captured by Americans and lost all their weapons they began to talk about the cease-fire with Americans to prevent their disloyalty.

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The council and the women commission

From 1370, after the fall of the families and forced divorce, the house and the office of men and women were separated completely. The women were settled in desolate places or in castles with tall walls.
The Mujahedeen represented a plan that no man and woman allow to sit in front seat of an automobile, even the old one.

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The protection of terrorism, for what reason?

In the third celebration of June 17, day of arresting Maryam Azdanloo the third wife of Rajavi and the leader of Mujahedeen terrorist sect, who absconded three years ago, some of the statesmen ….These statesmen are considered as gull and stupid persons who can be utilized as instruments.

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Easy to obtain, easy to lose

About two decades, he was busy with storing the weapons and killing the people of Iran. This strategy was under the commands of Saddam, and Mujahedeen just applied that.
Rajavi knew that Saddam would withdraw the weapons as easy as he had given them, like that during overrunning Kuwait which Saddam got 50 percent of his complimentary weapons.

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Fifth Column

This was the first time the MKO felt it needed the support of a foreign country to continue armed strategy; when the MKO experienced the good taste of free weapons and financial support accepted it as a rational strategy.
Regarding the acceptance of being mercenary and unreal justifications given for it, Mojahedin crossed the red lines and there were no longer any obstacles;

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The strategy of death, the meeting about death, the design for death, the training and maneuver for death, the political diplomacy at the service of death, terror for death and death for terror and… In fact the word Mujahid has been a synonym for death.

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Terrorism, Weapon to Achieve Political Goals

Whenever they wanted to prove its strength and power, MKO conducted a series of terrorist operations inside Iran; then, they introduced it as their own popular base. This was, in fact, one of their repetitious methods. Many innocent people were killed in these operations of Rajavi, but he used them for his own political aims

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The world day of confirming the Charter of Human Right

It is the day of happiness for the black slaves, the downtrodden people of different races, and those who are hungry for freedom. Many years ago, it seemed to be needed a charter which was being able to make peace all over the world. …the human rights are a weapon and a pretext which has been abused by some despotic governors…In the center of these governments, some groups and organizations had been created, which had sectarian organizations and protected them..

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MKO’s New Tricks in Iraq Revealed

…the cult of Rajavi is trying to introduce all accidents and events as the “plots” of Badr brigade against Sunnis. They attribute all terrorist acts in Iraq to Shiites, in order to win the attraction of Americans beside softening the anti-MKO atmosphere in Iraq.

In an analysis on the activities of terrorist groups in Iraq , including the MKO, to exaggerate the issue of a detention center in the Interior ministry, an Iraqi political expert said: “This plot was planned to weaken the Iraqi coalition list and Iraq’s enemies try to demonize Shiites and weaken their position, by attributing these illegal affairs to them.”

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