blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Defectors of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization

Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 5

Particularly, female superior officials who were mostly elderly, tried to meet their emotional needs by making friends among the women under their rule.The other problem caused because of sexual deprivation unfortunately led members to terrible conducts. The bitter truth is that many women in Camp Ashraf have resorted to masturbation…

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 4

The self-criticism meetings were actually trials where you had no attorney, no right to defend yourself. You had to hear your comrades verbally abuse you. During the trial, there was no justice; nothing was fair… That was why in Ashraf the word Meeting was the equivalent of Stress and Fear. That was why, with my eyes I begged that girl who had found me listening to music, asking her not to tell it to anyone!

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UNHCR must not let Rajavi decide the fate of 3000 hostages

The leaders of Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) want to keep the members as hostages whether they are in Camp Liberty or return to Camp Ashraf. Maryam Rajavi along with other commanders of the MEK in France has ordered the leaders in the camp to stop all interviews which the UNHCR was trying to carry out with the individuals. She claims to be the representative of these people.

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European intellectual views on the Cult of Rajavi_Part5

Mr. Rajavi has done criminal acts that he should explain about. Yes, in any case, he should be tried. There are two separate issues. On one hand, Rajavi has been a psychotic and on the other hand he has begun doing criminal acts since a time.Anyway crimes has been carried out, the society should be protected from such people…

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 3

We were given necklaces by Massoud that meant that we were connected to the leadership. As we were going ahead in meetings, new subjects would emerge. For example, after we got the necklaces, the subject “4 walls” [chardivari] was proposed; the meaning of the new subject was that we had an owner, named Massoud Rajavi. Maryam Rajavi typically told us:”You have the most handsome and the best husband in the world. How a married woman let herself think of another man?..

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member _ Part 2

I remember Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in Paris in 2003. After she was jailed by French judiciary because of money laundry activities and conducting terrorist acts, she said:”I expected to be jailed by the Iranian Regime not by a freedom loving country like France.” I should tell Mrs. Rajavi:” Mrs. Rajavi, Me and other people like me expected to be in the prisons of the Islamic Republic not in the prisons of the Rajavis who claim and chant that much of slogans!”

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European intellectual views on the Cult of Rajavi_Part4

All cults in the world follow common rules and they are always headed by a charismatic but actually hypocrite person. Of course each cult has its own characteristics that should be investigated separately.The issues regarding the MKO/MEK/PMOI should be studied in a large political scope. In my idea, the MKO Cult is not a play ball in hands of others that everyone can use…

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part1

…. In a short time Rajavi found out that female members of the group can better run his plans. This way, women would think that they were promoted in the cult hierarchy and they would feel superior over their male comrades…Massoud Rajavi made women feel that they owe their position to him …

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Open letter to the Swedish parliament

In March 1991 Massoud and Maryam Rajavi gave the order to massacre the Kurds with the heavy weapons given to them by Saddam and therefore stopped the Kurds from reaching Baghdad. This massacre of the Kurds is the most disgusting and shameful part of the history

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