
MKO former member open letter to Vidal-Quadras

I am responding to your recent speeches in the European Parliament..Do you have any idea what your Rajavi has done to us? The beatings, humiliation, swearing and constant mental pressure aimed at anyone who wants to leave, or even to say anything critical of what Rajavi has ever said. Where you then? Why has no one asked any international human rights organization to come and visit Ashraf independently?

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Letter to the Representative of Portugal in EP

We, the victims of this inhumane and suppressive cult (Rajavi’s Cult/MKO/MEK/PMOI) would like to further inform you that the existence of this cult is very dangerous not only for its own members who have been trapped for decades in the notorious Ashraf-garrison in Iraq, but it is also very hazardous and perilous for western and European countries..We are all witnesses to the cruelty and tyranny which exists in this cult. We have all been under severe and harsh psychological and physical tortures

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We are all surprised that MR. VIDAL QUADRASS is helping and backing up such a cruel and bloodthirsty cult which has committed numerous crimes not only against its own members but also against the people of Iraq. Before MR. VIDAL QUADRASS, MR. CASACA, a politician from Portugal, was doing the same job in favor of PMOI, backing up and helping PMOI in European Parliament, but we saw that he lost his popularity in European Parliament and they did not vote for him and he had to withdraw from European politics..

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Letter to the Honorable Mr. Nuri AL-Maleki

On Monday April 20th, a group of former members of PMOI submitted a letter addressed to The Prime Minister of Iraq, to the authorities of the Iraq Embassy in Paris regarding to their support of Iraq government’s recent decision of shutting down ASHRAF- Garrison in Iraq for good…We support all your government endeavors to shut down and close that cultic garrison and we would like to reiterate that you and your government have our fully support for shutting down of this hideous garrison.

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Mr.Kouchner; P.M.O.I is a terrorist cult

We are ready to testify against the crimes that PMOI have done . We are all victims of this cult whom have been tortured physically and psychologically by the cultic criminals in this notorious cult. PMOI is a terrorist organization and should face the consequences of killing innocent people of IRAQ as well as mistreatment , misbehavior , torture and killing of the dissidents who were against RAJAVI’s cultic terrorist ideology inside the cult…Bernard Kouchner, French Foreign Minister, replied on December 10 at the French Senate in a matter of a senator and has declared that”France is indeed in favor of retaining the Mujahedin (PMOI/MKO) on the European list of terrorist organizations.

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Honorable Doctors Without Borders

On Wednesday 11th of Feb 2009, a group of separated veteran members of the PMOI had a meeting with the authorities of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in PARIS and they submitted a letter regarding their concerns about psychological pressures and an imposed unlimited hunger strike upon the residents of ASHRAF garrison by PMOI leaders and operatives.

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Appeal to supporters of MKO/MEK

As you know there are more than 3000 members of MKO stationed in Iraq on an isolated location called Camp Ashraf (or Ashraf City as is also known). Here they have been imprisoned since 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein.As relations between the governments of Iran and Iraq got better, some attempts were made by families of MKO members in camp Ashraf …

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How cults work?

There is no meaningful difference between a cult and a religion in terms of faith, morality or spirituality. The primary differences are that a”cult”operates outside of mainstream society, often calls on its followers to make an absolute commitment to the group and typically has a single leader, whereas a”religion”usually operates within mainstream culture

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Meeting with Senator Luc Willems of Belgium

AS the head of the judiciary committee of Belgium, Mr. Willems also overlooks the state of cults within Belgium. Mr. Behzad Alishahi & Karim Haggi explained in detail their own personal experience with the cult of Mojahedin. They went into great details of the inner workings of this cult (MKO).

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