blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Justin Raimondo

The War Party never takes a holiday

That’s the same phrase used to describe yet another purloined laptop, this one supplied by the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, an Iranian terrorist group that, for years, has been feeding the War Party bogus”intelligence”about Tehran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons program. That tall tale was debunked in 2011 – yet another case of MEK cobbling together old outdated data….

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Hillary’s Terrorists

The US government took charge of the MEK/MKO/PMOI facility, known as Camp Ashraf, and, although the Bush administration continued to characterize the group as a terrorist organization, President Bush cited Massoud’s cult as the source of “intelligence” on Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program. Prominent neoconservatives began agitating for utilizing the MEK the way the Bush administration had used Ahmad Chalabi…

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Israeli Backed MEK terrorists and Washington War Party

Among the materials discovered were “signed, blank checks,” and the report states, “Confidential sources have reported to the FBI and that the NCRI and the PMOI use the signed, blank checks to pay their expenses and fund their activities.”From its Paris headquarters, where technical legal maneuvers have allowed the MEK/MKO/PMOI to operate openly, and its base at Camp Ashraf, in Iraq, where the “military wing,” called the “National Liberation Army,” is based..

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The Uses of Political Violence

MEK has attacked US military and diplomatic personnel, and has been described by former members as a cult: ideologically, the MEK started out as a far leftist group, but like the neocons who have taken up its cause, has traveled to the other end of the political spectrum, offering itself up to the US … MEK’s American supporters want to use it as a battering ram against the Iranian regime, what support they had inside Iran evaporated when they fled to Iraq and took up with Saddam Hussein, whose government succored and armed them. MEK fought in the Iran-Iraq war – on the Iraqi side.

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Scooter Libby and World War III

The big problem with this approach, however, is that it fails to understand the dynamics of our continued presence in Iraq. In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee given on Feb. 1, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish former national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, made a statement that should have set off alarm bells and sent everyone rushing for the lifeboats:

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