blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%The New York Times

Tensions in Iranian Exile Camp Ashraf in Iraq

… The group that lives here, the People’s Mujahedeen [MKO/MEK,PMOI], has had a long and winding history. It killed Americans, supported the takeover of the United States Embassy in Iran during the 1970s and was given sanctuary in Iraq by Saddam Hussein. But after the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the group was protected by the United States … “It is not a civil society,” said Col. Saadi Habib al-Duleimi, who oversees the camp. “It is a complex political-military system

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A clash at Camp Ashraf left 11 MEK members Camp Ashraf dead

Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government now has good relations with Iran and little enthusiasm for the MEK. The Americans are at best ambivalent. The group, which some consider a cult, is on the American terrorism list for attacks against the United States (in the distant past) and more recently against Iran…Residents are barred from resettling in many third countries because of the group’s terrorist designation. Finding a solution will not be easy..

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On The Cult of Rajavi

Rajavi fled to Paris in disguise. There, he established the National Council of Resistance in Iran, the political umbrella of the Mujahedeen aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. In 1986, the French began forging ties with Khomeini and kicked out Rajavi and his squads of assassins, who ran into the arms of Saddam Hussein. Hussein had been welcoming the Mujahedeen for several years. (Many Mujahedeen political supporters did stay on in France as political refugees.) Rajavi, in return, betrayed his own countrymen, identifying Iranian military targets for Iraq to bomb, a move most Iranians will never forgive..The coup de grâce that metamorphosed the party into something more like a husband-and-wife-led cult was Massoud’s spectacular theft of his colleague’s wife

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