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American Terrorism

a group of Iranians associated with Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, or MEK, were being trained in terror operations by the U.S. JSOC ..The so-called war on terror is not what it seems. America and America-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are arming and providing assistance to terrorists in Iran. America, NATO and NGOs are doing the same with al-Qaida terrorists in Syria. And they armed and provided air cover to al-Qaida terrorists in Libya.

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MEK: Washington’s favorite terror cult

The Mujahedin-e-Khalq–sometimes referred to as the MEK, the MKO, the PMOI, the NCRI or, perhaps more fittingly, “The Cult of Rajavi”–is a strange terrorist group by anyone’s reckoning…The MEK is just another tool in the West’s arsenal to wield against the villain of the month. As long as they are useful in bombing, attacking and otherwise causing carnage in Iran, the West will be happy to use them as pawns in their chess game. ..

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US provided material support for MEK foreign terrorists in Nevada

HRW says the testimony of former MEK prisoners paints a grim picture of how the organization treated its members, particularly those who held dissenting opinions .. Other witnesses told Human Rights Watch claimed it was the practice of MEK interrogators to tie thick ropes around prisoners’ necks and drag them along the ground. One witness told investigators:”Sometimes prisoners returned to the cell with extremely swollen necks–their head and neck as big as a pillow.”

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MEK:the Israel tool to keep the War Book open

WHY, is Israel so interested in having the MeK removed as a terrorist organization, ..Well, again, let us consider what the MeK aka MKO/PMOI does and why it is listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the USGOV— Terror…The MeK can travel, and in the process, the members of this terrorist organization can put all that training they received from Israel and the U.S. to good use, such as in– –Blowing up schools, mosques, churches

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Take MEK claims of Iran’s nuclear capability with a grain of salt

Alireza Jafarzadeh’s recent commentary is eerily reminiscent of the manipulations of Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi who shamelessly fed the US government false information with the express aim of advocating a military invasion of Iraq in 2003 in order to promote his own personal political and economic fortunes.Just as Mr. Jafarzadeh openly sides with the exiled Iranian terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI

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Rendell and Ridge: From “Militant” Labelers to Terrorist Enablers

Rendell received $160,000 on his MEK-funded speaking tour. He and others are now under a legal investigation and were issued a subpoena by the U.S. Department of Treasury …While citizens concerned about the impacts from fracking and reckless gas industry practices are being labeled “eco-terrorists” and “an insurgengy,” those responsible, directly or indirectly for having them labeled as such, are shilling on behalf of a State Department-designated terrorist organization.

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U.S. Training MEK Terrorists to Kill Iranians

Bush and Cheney saw advantage in using MEK/MKO/PMOI to attack targets in Iran. At the Nevada site, and also in an undisclosed Israeli facility, MEK fighters were trained in the arts of assassination, bombing and surveillance. And they were not the only terrorists given training. Members of Jundullah, a Sunni group based in Pakistan and linked to the Taliban, were flown to Nevada with Iranian Kurds specially selected by Mossad. In effect, Washington ..

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Who Will Convict the US Gov. for Material Support of Terrorism?

Political hypocrisy is a given in our cynical culture, a daily fact of life. We are so used to the double standards when it comes to ‘crime and punishment’ that many of us are blind to it when it occurs.So, the US government can train terrorists [MKO/MEK/PMOI] in the Nevada desert that it’s own State Department has designated part of a “foreign terrorist organization” and no one blinks an eye..

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Why are the US allowed to train MEK terrorists?

This eye-opening list of the recent US “great and good” reveals the utterly subjective approach to Washington’s interpretation of terrorist – as well as their contempt for law (law is something that applies to ordinary people, not the powerful). It has been argued that the MEK/MKO/PMOI do not deserve to be on the terrorist list, having officially renounced violence. The group are accused of having killed three US Army Officers and three US civilians ..

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