blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%World Tribune

A British MP who presumes to know better than most Iranians what is best for Iran

Sheda Vasseghi of World Tribune criticizes an MKO supporter, British MP for Northampton South for his passionate support for the Terrorist destructive cult of Mujahedin Khalq and his impudence to choose for Iranians’ future:It is curious when non-Iranian politicians such as a British Member of Parliament, who are naturally working for the interests of their own country, suggest that those of Iranian descent and experts in Iranian history are wrong about Iran’s affairs.It is unclear whether Mr. Brian Binley is actually ignorant of the facts, in denial, or simply trapped in the British colonial mentality in rejecting that times have changed!

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U.S. saw leftist Iran opposition group Mujahadeen Khalq as a ‘cult’

… The State Department has concluded that the Mujahadeen Khalq, or MEK, was holding Iranian exiles against their will in Iraq’s Camp Ashraf. The department, in cables sent to Washington over the last 20 years, asserted that Mujahadeen set a policy of killing suspected defectors from the movement supported by the former Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. Wikipedia said the group which played a major role with the leftist Tudeh Party in the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, was more”religious, radical, anti-American”than the earlier generation of Iranian leftists …

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PMOI, a cult with 45 year old terrorist record

..The official organ of the PMOI/MEK/MEK/PMOI declares in its October 1980 issue: “Ever since its foundation in 1965, the thrust of the battle against the U.S. advisors fell to the Mojahedin, who targeted and claimed the lives of a number for the first time, while it was the PMOI bombs planted in imperialist and Zionist institutions and destroying them which first caused the imperialists and their domestic mercenaries to be alarmed.” ..

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