
The Saudi Embrace of the MEK

The Washington Times reports on the latest Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) rally: Thousands of supporters of an Iranian dissident group rallied here Saturday for the overthrow of Tehran’s theocratic regime at…

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Atlas of Radical Islam

:”Atlas of Radical Islam” which was written under the supervision of Mr. Khavier Raufer. The book was published by Cnrs edistion, in Paris, in 2007. According to the author, the objective of the publication of the book is to represent a useful solution to the lack of information on radical Islam. The book includes descriptions on all Islamic extremist and terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida and Mujahidin Khalq. There is also analysis on radical Islamic groups whether Sunnite or Shiite, their doctrine or theory, their networks and supporters and their history and activities.

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Bush,Iran and Bomb

Allying with a group that has been designated as a foreign terror organization by the State Department since 1997. In fact the position taken by the group and its ideology are perfectly opposite to those of the United Stated as well as the Islamic Republics ideas, but its leaders impudent manipulators, animated by a logic of existence ,are making alliance with the worst enemies of the Islamic Regime to prolong their existence. Michael Rubin qualifies the MEK

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