
Iraqi Foreign Minister Says Camp Ashraf Must Go

… The Iraqi Constitution prohibits the presence of mujahedin or any other militia groups from neighboring countries, whether it’s the PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party], whether it’s the PJAK [Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan], or whoever to have presence on Iraqi territory and to launch attacks against our neighbors. Constitutionally, this is not allowed and the mujahedin or the MEK/MKO/PMOI member [Mujahedin-e Khalq] of the Ashraf camp have to respect Iraqi law..

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Support for MKO, a classic example of US unsustainable policy in ME

… A classic example of this is when you look at the American and Israeli support of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, which was killing Americans in Iran back in the 1970’s during the Pahlavi era. But it has certainly become convenient for the United States and Israel to have an alliance with this so-called Marxist terrorist organization as long as these people are doing their bidding in Iran ..It is also noteworthy that the Saudi Arabian regime has been helping to bankroll this Mujahedin-e-Khalq or MEK …

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Dr. Abolhassan Banisadr opposes MKO and American warmongers

..Well, regarding Mr. Rajavi, it is a 180 degree change. MKO started its activities by assassination of Americans in Iran. Now the organization is doing something that’s never been recorded in our history. They pay western politicians to travel and to participate in their gatherings to gain their support…Those who were in Bush administration are not simple. They are a bunch of warmongers who moved ahead the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ..

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MKO terrorists clearly connected to CIA and MOSSAD

… The Mojahedin Khalq or MKO, which is a terrorist organization despite the attempts of many in the American government and in the European Union to say it is not, has been doing a series of things in your country in conjunction with this Jundollah group, which is absolutely reprehensible and frankly, as Mr. Giraldi, Mr. McGovern and Mr. Paul Craig Roberts have been covering these things. It becomes clear that there is an American and Israeli intelligence connection to the MKO ..

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Ali Einakian;Joining and leaving Mujahedin

At the time Iran and Iraq were fighting and the organization was involved in border clashes so it launched an extensive propaganda in Europe in order to recruit members. In the base where I was working a number of members applied for moving to Iraq. Impressed by the atmosphere, I asked for moving to Iraq,..After a few months of membership in MKO, family love was replaced by Rajavi in my heart. I entered Iraq in 1986. I was transferred to an MKO camp where I received military training… I attended Eternal Light Operation against my fellow country-men..

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US politicians and the CIA openly support MKO and Jundallah terrorists

There are approximately 3 thousand MKO terrorists in Iraq being protected by the American military. Many American soldiers have died escorting these terrorists on shopping trips inside Iraq. I dare the American government to tell the parents and loved ones of these soldiers who were killed that they died escorting communist terrorists who are on the State Department’s list of terrorism on shopping expeditions.In 2003, American forces attacked a camp in Iraq and killed some of those terrorists, and ever since then we have been protecting them and using them inside Iran to do terrorists activities.

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The outset of Rajavi’s longtime treason

.. Mr. Rajavi[MKO/MEK/PMOI leader] came to my room and told that Mr. Tariq Aziz had asked to visit him .. I told him:”Now that you accepted to visit him, you should treat him the way our Iranian Emperor Shahpour the first treated the Roman Valerian… He [Tariq Aziz] should understand that he had invaded a country which has national pride. You should notify that and you shouldn’t let the visit last more than half an hour.”.. the meeting lasted 5 hours so that the following day Le Monde newspaper wrote that Mr. Tariq Aziz bought Mr. Rajavi or something like that..

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Interview with Alireza Einakian, MKO former member- Part2

..The organization tells UNAMI that the members are afraid of their coming to Ashraf and in this way the commandants prevent UNAMI’s access to rank and file members. I think that UNAMI officials should contact MKO’s low-ranking member outside Camp Ashraf so the members feel comfortable to talk to them. Once UNAMI had installed a station in Camp Ashraf, MKO/MEK/PMOI had also installed an inspection station in order to stop members going to UNAMI station. Today UNAMI has no office in Ashraf…

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Interview with Alireza Einakian, MKO former member- Part1

..To bar the members from runaway, they control all departures and arrivals to the complex at night. You cannot simply leave the building. On the other side, the commandants have some control systems to control members, especially low-ranking members. The control is particularly heightened in collective ceremonies. There are also some patrolling cars to control all trafficking in the camp. When the Iraqis are closer to the members, they increase guards to stop the members from joining Iraqi forces..

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part3

You can never ask about two things in MKO. Money and Massoud Rajavi….Ashraf is a symbol in the Rajavi’s cult..The psychological atmosphere ruling Ashraf has been created in a way that you never let such questions cross your mind…. MKO has based its activities on protection of this symbol, but the proper symbol links them to their terrorist background which was justified by”armed struggle”. After the disarmament of MKO and gradual defection of forces Ashraf symbol, turned into an abandoned prison

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