
Jabani in Interview with BBC

BBC’s Persian Service has conducted an interview with Mr. Massoud Jabani regarding former MKO members’ letter on MKO’s organized movements in order to defame dissidents and former members, which paves the way for Rajavi’s trained Fedayeens to assassinate them.

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BBC’s Interview with Anne Singleton

Anne Singleton became involved with the Iranian Mojahedin when she was at University in the late 1970s. Initially offering practical and political support she eventually became so immersed in the group she went to a military training camp in Iraq for 3 months. Eventually she became disillusioned and struggled to leave.
So how did a girl from Sheffield get involved in a radical group from Iran? Anne talks to Jenni about her experiences.

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MKO Critics Warn – Take MKO Threat Seriously

…Sending a letter to European countries, US and Canada, a group of former members of the MKO warned that the group is starting to harass them in western countries using its trained members. The letter said that a number of MKO members trained in security, intelligence and urban warfare courses had been deployed to Europe illegally.

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Elahe Iranian Singer and Anne Singleton

Elahe is one of the most important singers in Iran’s history. She has sung and made famous many of Iran’s traditional (asil), pop, jazz, and standard hits. Her voice was so liked by Davood Pirnia, the original creator and director of Radio Iran’s”Golha”program, that he employed Elahe to manage it for a while. Her voice is on more”Golha”shows than any other singer.

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Alen Cheuvalrias interviewed Banisadr- (Part two)

..Masud, definitely. He is the leader and Maryam the commander-in-chief. They’re a political couple just like”Mao Tse-Tang”and”Chou En- Lia”. He told that Ayatollah Khomeini has divested him of a power that was legally his. He considered himself as Imam. Perhaps, that very”Imam Zaman”. According to our religious laws,”Imam Zaman”or our twelfth Imam who became absent in 873, should return before the ending of the world to bring peace to the world. …

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Firouzmand; Interview With BBC

After the US invasion to Iraq, he escaped from Camp Ashraf- MKO’s main headquarter led by Massoud Rajavi- and returned to Iran by the assistance of the international Red Cross. He left Iran illegally in a while and arrived in Europe via Turkey. In an interview with BBC, he said of his escape from Camp Ashraf:

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Alen Cheuvalrias interviewed Mr.Masoud Khodabande- Part Two

It’s more than an event, I remember the way Masud separated children from their parents, the first separations contained forced divorces, the children became teams, the younger ones stayed in the organization and were grown by babysitters. Relation with parents had been nearly cut. In 1991 during the first Gulf War, Masud Rajavi abused the situation and sent all the children out of Iraq territory.

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Interview with Yasser Ezzati

…we have gathered here to help underage people who have been brainwashed by the MKO. Even people like Turaj or Alan Mohammedi who committed suicide were sent to Iraq at the age of 13-14. We have gathered here to say that these people should talk to international organizations in a free situation. I was there and I know that the MKO puts them under pressure. These young people don’t want to stay there and I recently talked to Amir Vafa Yaghmayee- the son of Ismael Vafa Yaghmayee, member of NCRI- and he said that he is under pressure even in the US camp and he can’t speak….

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Diplomacy and the MKO’s Foreign Supporters

Many MKO members (like me and others) are the people who have had relations with the people who are now in the House of Lords. These people have had contact with the MKO/PMOI since they were young and were in the Labour Party and then they had become members of parliament, stood down and became Lords, but kept their contact….

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