The Sit-ins Bolstering Cult Grip

According to NCRI-website, members of MKO terrorist cult marked the 200th day of their sit-in outside the United Nations High Commission headquarters in Geneva, demanding that the UN agency reaffirm the political refugee status of those kept in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

The UNHCR’s silence indicates that the real intention of the cult is fully recognized. The affirmation of the political refugee status secures the cult’s clutches at the members’ throats and frustrates the attempts made to break the bonds of the fearsome cult that is wearing the mask of a political campaigner.

MKO permits no international and humanitarian organization to interfere in its internal issues concerning the members. The cult attempts not to ease its grip to let the members free. Nearly a month ago, Dawlat Norouzi, a spokeswoman to the cult, told Al Sharq Al Awsat that “We only have around 4,000 men, women and children who reside in Ashraf camp near Diyali”.

What are these women and children really kept for in a lonely camp in the deserts of Iraq? If, as MKO claims, it has stopped its activities, why then it does not let these women and children decide for their future individually? Do they need people to organize a 200-day sit-in to help them? It seems that somebody somehow is hearing help cries piercing the walls of Ashraf. –  20/02/2007

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