Son of MEK leader: victim of the group dictatorship

Contrary to Mujahedin-e Khalq claims of being democratic, the terrorist group of MEK has no democracy at all, according to the separated members of this group, members have been forced to do things that the leaders of the group want, such as participating in ceremonies, forced divorce, women marrying Massoud Rajavi again by force, etc. The members are not allowed to enjoy even the most basic needs of every human being to the extent that they do not even have the right to think freely and they have to report their thoughts to their leader so that if they are against the group, they will be insulted and humiliated by other members.

Another thing that is noteworthy is that the MEK are causing problems for their members and even those who have left the group. By the help of the United States they infiltrate to the Albanian government and this has made the separated members unable to work and earn money, which is why some of these people have been forced to sleep in the streets.

The MEK did not even have mercy on Massoud Rajavi’s son and in an action asked him to sign a letter against a separated person that in this letter, the separated member is introduced as an agent of the Ministry of Intelligence of Iran and he is accused of espionage, this is while Mohammad Rajavi, the son of Massoud Rajavi, has been separated from this group for some time and has strongly opposed and criticized the performance of this group. For this reason, he has sued the MEK and has filed a lawsuit in this regard.

Mohammad Rajavi describes this incident as follows:

I want to reveal about a dirty and illegal ransom to put pressure on me. Some time ago, the foreign employer of the company I work for, following a series of previous attempts to pressure me, sent me a letter asking me to copy and sign it. The text of this article was prepared by two well-known Mojahedin officials. One is Mohammad Mohaddesin, known as Behnam in the Mojahedin, and the other is Mohammad Sadat Khansari, known as Adib. In this regard, the letter that Adib sent to the employer and specified the lines of work for him, is available as a document.

In this letter, I was asked to write against Mr. Iraj Mesdaghi and introduce him as a mercenary. An act that was unacceptable to me. I will not call anyone a mercenary of the Ministry of Intelligence without a sufficient and court-friendly document. This has always been my position because I consider it immoral and it is against my principles.

Considering that this action was unacceptable and illegal in my opinion, I did not accept to do this signature and instead informed the syndicate about the matter. The syndicate officials, who had never encountered such cases in European countries, were very shocked by this action and it was unbelievable for them! For this reason, the syndicate’s lawyer sent a letter to Adib asking him to explain in order to better understand the matter. Until now, no response has been given to the lawyer’s letter. A case has been filed in court in connection with these illegal actions of the employer, which are carried out by taking direct orders from these two people.

Today, I want to address Mr. Mohaddesin and Mr. Khansari publicly: Mr. Khansari, Mr. Mohaddesin, who’s this dirty and illegal ransom? Why are you pressuring me through the employer to sign your statement? Don’t you, who have lived in Europe for nearly 30 years, know that this is immoral and illegal? Where in Europe and Scandinavia does an employer allow himself to get such a signature from his employee? Why didn’t you go directly to me and instead made the employer as a tool to put pressure on me? Please respond in front of public opinion if you dare!

Let me correct a point here. I have no connection with Mr. Iraj Mesdaghi and I do not know him at all. His positions towards the Mujahedin Organization are not my positions at all and I do not approve of them at all. Many of the things he says may be wrong, and baseless, but there is no reason to consider him a mercenary of the Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic. Doing so is against my principles.

I also have a word with the supporters of the Mujahedin. I have absolutely no intention of hitting and creating problems for the Mujahedin. I have nothing to do with politics, nor with the organization, nor with the opinion of the organization, and I also pray for each and every member of the Mujahedin. I am looking for a normal life away from controversy and useless noise. If you have been told something else, it is wrong and you can be sure that it is not true. But at the same time I have principles that I cannot deviate from. How the Mujahedin treats its critics is up to it, but it has no right to force me to follow them in this regard. Such an expectation is unreasonable, immoral and illegal. To this day, I have tried to resolve issues with reason and logic so that it does not lead to futile conflicts and does not take energy from me. Unfortunately, no result was reached and the court was forced to intervene to solve this problem. The syndicate’s lawyer has now filed a complaint with the court, and the date and time of the court hearing have been determined. I will keep you informed of further developments.

Important Note: Due to personal issues that can be understood by all dear compatriots, I refuse to mention the name of the company and the place of work.

Now a question rises that how a group whose members are fleeing from this group due to high internal pressure can claim democracy? Upon further examination of the group’s performance, it can be concluded that instead of the word democracy, it is better to attribute the word dictatorship to this group, a word that is perhaps the least adjective that can be used to describe the inner space of this cult. An atmosphere that has become difficult for most members of the group to bear.

Jack Turner, Geopolitica

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