Petition: Formers demand compensation from MEK leaders for their lost rights

In Support of the Complaint of 42 Former Members against the Leaders of the MEK
Samad Eskandari started this petition to INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE and

In a lawsuit filed inside Iran, 42 former members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) have demanded compensation from the organization’s leaders for their lost rights.

These people, who were enslaved and contained in the closed and remote Camp Ashraf in Iraq, isolated from the outside world, and subjected to the conditions of severe cultic abuse, found the opportunity to escape from the organization with the fall of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq and they returned to Iran.

Now, in the context of Iranian judicial law and international justice they are seeking compensation from the leaders of the MEK.

These former members of the Rajavi Cult raised their complaint in the Iranian judicial system in March 2019. Branch 55 of the Tehran International Legal and General Court officially registered their complaint, and on March 7 and 8, 2021, court hearings were held. The primary verdict of the Court was issued on March 16, 2021. The Iranian judiciary, in accordance with civil procedures, sent notices to the governments of France and Albania to notify the defendants, who are residents there, of the verdict.

Now, with the final verdict of the Iranian judiciary and the accompanying media coverage of the case at domestic and international levels, the number of plaintiffs has reached more than 200 – which is constantly increasing – who are seeking to file a complaint with international judicial bodies against the MEK leaders.

We, the signatories of this petition, call on the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as well as the governments of France and Albania, to work for the realization of the rights of the material, physical and spiritual victims of the MEK.

They are those who, through behaviors such as slavery, solitary confinement, torture and severe bodily harm, great suffering and irreparable psychological damage, sexual slavery, etc. are clear examples of Article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court as victims of a crime against humanity.

We urge the International Criminal Court in The Hague to prosecute the MEK leaders who continue to practice cultic abuse and freely violate the most basic rights of their members on European soil, and to administer justice, while ordering compensation for some of the damage caused by years of modern slavery. And to further come to the rescue of the hundreds of other captives currently being held in the closed, remote and isolated camp of the Rajavi Cult in Albania.

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