To Karim Assd Ahmad Khan: Issue legal orders to execute the MEK leaders’ sentence

Mr. Karim Assad Ahmad khan; Honorable Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Mr. Karim Assd Ahmad Khan, Honorable Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Greetings and Regards
I am Kamand Ali Azizi, one of the plaintiffs in the case against the Mojahedin. Due to the fact that the leaders of the sect were obliged and sentenced to pay compensation for genocide and crimes against humanity. I ask you to issue legal orders to execute the sentence, regardless of the lies of the Mojahedin leaders, regarding the finalization of the criminal prosecution of Maryam Rajavi.
Kamand Ali Azizi, one of the plaintiffs in the case against the Mojahedin
Iran – Zanjan

KamandAli Azizi

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