The Representative of MEK leaders’ plaintiffs pens letter to the ICC prosecutor

Samad Eskandari, former member of the MEK

Mr. Karim Khan, Honorable Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
Your Excellency,

I have a great responsibility as the representative of the plaintiffs of the MEK leaders’ case and it is my human duty to be the voice of all those who were tortured by the leaders of the Mojahedin.
I decided to send you some photos that show just a part of the sufferings of the separated members and other families of the prisoners in Rajavi Prison that were imposed on the victims by the Mojahedin. We hope that by seeing the pictures that show the cruelty of Maryam Rajavi, you sympathize with the families and survivors of the group and make justice practical. Undoubtedly, God Almighty will watch over our actions.

Samad Eskandari, the plaintiffs’ representative

MKO members’ families in front of Camp Liberty, Iraq- August 2016

MEK members families in front of Camp Ashraf – Iraq

MEK members families in front of Camp Liberty- Iraq

MEK members families in front of Camp Ashraf – Iraq

MEK members families in front of Camp Ashraf – Iraq

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