Prosecute the MEK leaders for their crimes against humanity

Mr. Karim Khan
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
The Hague – The Netherlands

I, Mohammad Reza Pirnazari, was confined for 10 years within the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) Camp Ashraf in Iraq, and I was under severe physical and mental pressure.
They constantly tortured me mentally, including the threat of solitary confinement and torture and execution. In large gatherings, they incited others into attacking and threatening me and putting psychological pressure on me.
As a result of the nervous tension inside the organization, I turned to sedatives and was constantly depressed until I was able to escape and return to Iran.
Now that the grounds for my complaint have been prepared, I request you to prosecute the leaders of the MEK on charges of crimes against humanity. I am ready to appear in any court with sufficient evidence to testify.

With respect,
Mohammad Reza Pirnazari
Gorgan – Golestan – Iran
Contact number: 09117939113

Mohammad Reza Pirnazari; the MEK defector

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