Two other MEK members defected the group in Albania

 The entrance to the camp housing members of the Mujahedeen Khalq, or People’s Jihadists, near Manez, Albania.

Hassan Heirani announced the separation of Mehdi Mazloumi and Ali Asghar Kalateh Seifari from the Mujahedin-e Khalq in Albania.

In a video link with some of Nejat society families of Zanjan, the head of ASILA, Hassan Heyrani, reported these two members’ defection from the group. The online meeting held on Saturday,Dec.25.
The newly established ASILA has the duty to support the Iranians who defect the Cult of Rajavi and the families of those who are still taken as hostages in the group’s camp Ashraf 3, in the region of Durres in North of Tirana, Albania.

The families efforts to free the MEK cult hostages along with the ASILA activities provide more incentive for the cult hostages to liberate themselves.

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