Belgium decides to break free from the MEK terrorist group

In recent days, the annual meeting of the Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist group has been canceled for reasons that have been listed as security concerns. In Belgium, with a courageous and humanitarian act, the country’s parliament approved with Iran the plan for the extradition of political prisoners, which allows the Iranian diplomat Assadollah Asadi, detained in violation of international law, to return to his country. As you know, Iran’s friendly and economic relations with Belgium date back centuries and Belgium has shown that it does not want to interrupt its long-term relations with the Islamic Republic due to a terrorist group that was on the list until 2012. American Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO). For this reason, now the MEK, which sees itself in danger of disintegration, it is trying to organize rallies and meetings with the presence of its members in Sweden, Germany and other countries, renting Afghan and Syrian citizens with promises of free food and tourism.

Belgium decides to break free from the MEK terrorist group

As you know, according to the report of the American RAND Institute, this terrorist group has no social status and 97% of Iranians hate it. According to American experts, the MEK will not have a political future in Iran, so the support of some retired former politicians has served to get huge sums of money from this group; with these actions, these people are in fact violating the principle of human rights, because the money that is paid to this terrorist group comes from the taxes that the Albanian people pay and, in this case, not long ago we witnessed the protests of the very people Albanian, who asked why his taxes are ending up in the pockets of the MEK terrorist group and asked for the Albanian government’s financial support for this group to be cut. In the same matter, the US Embassy in Albania announced in a Twitter post its support for this terrorist group and Albanian citizens wrote their opposition in the comments, asking not to support this group anymore. In this regard, we interviewed Olsi Jazexhi, Canadian-Albanian journalist and university professor, on financial issues and the nature of this terrorist group. the US embassy in Albania announced in a Twitter post its support for this terrorist group and Albanian citizens wrote their opposition in the comments, asking not to support this group anymore. In this regard, we interviewed Olsi Jazexhi, Canadian-Albanian journalist and university professor, on financial issues and the nature of this terrorist group. the US embassy in Albania announced in a Twitter post its support for this terrorist group and Albanian citizens wrote their opposition in the comments, asking not to support this group anymore. In this regard, we interviewed Olsi Jazexhi, Canadian-Albanian journalist and university professor, on financial issues and the nature of this terrorist group.

Olsi Jazexhi

1) Can you assess the nature of the Mujahedin-e Khalq group and how did you get to know this group?

A) I am a scholar of Islam who in recent years has studied and analyzed the creation and radicalization of Muslim extremist groups in the West by Western governments and their Arab allies, and their misuse against the Muslim world. Before exploring the extremist nature of the MEK, I dealt with other terrorist groups such as ISIS / DAESH, Jabhat al-Nusra, Wahhabi extremists etc. Albania, where I come from, has produced a large number of foreign Takfiri / Wahabi fighters who have been sent by Saudi and other Wahhabi networks to Syria to wage a terrorist war against the Syrian and Iraqi governments. The first MEK terrorist group arrived in Albania in 2013,

2) To what extent are the Albanian people, including public opinion and the elite community of this country, aware of the history and current situation of this group? What do these two groups of Albanians think about the presence of MEK members in their country?

A) When the MEK was moved en masse to Albania in 2016, most Albanian politicians and the public were shocked by its presence. Many media articles, public debates, protests and police reports have revealed the strange and criminal nature of the MEK. Albanians protested against the insidious arrival of the MEK in their country and many blamed the regime of Prime Minister Edi Rama for bringing a terrorist group into the country. The Albanians, horrified by the crimes of DAESH and Jahbat al Nusra in Syria and Iraq, resented the presence of the MEK and asked for their deportation to another country. However, since 2019 the MEK has managed to silence the voices of dissent in Albania. Spending millions of dollars on propaganda and blackmail, he managed to silence most of the media and journalists. The US embassy in Tirana and the Trump administration blackmailed Albanian politicians, parliamentarians and security services to stop their refusal and investigations into the MEK’s activities in the country. As a result, since 2019 no Albanian public official or media dares to report any crime or terrorist activity that the MEK carries out inside and outside Albania. Journalists or security officials who dare to talk about the MEK are sidelined and punished. since 2019 no Albanian public official or media dares to report any crime or terrorist activity that the MEK carries out inside and outside Albania. Journalists or security officials who dare to talk about the MEK are sidelined and punished. since 2019 no Albanian public official or media dares to report any crime or terrorist activity that the MEK carries out inside and outside Albania. Journalists or security officials who dare to talk about the MEK are sidelined and punished.

3) According to the MEK, this group aspires to build the so-called “free Iran”. Can you explain the situation of the freedom of the members of this group and how the group meets with the Albanian press community?

A) The MEK is a sect. It is directed by a woman, Maryam Rajavi. Due to her advanced age and her criminal past, Rajavi seems to have lost her mind and is out of touch. The MEK operates as a terrorist and cult paramilitary organization. It has no internal democracy, no free elections. Its members are locked up in the organization’s paramilitary camp in Manza, Durres, Albania. They do not have the freedom to marry, to develop their ideas, to have contact with their families. Rajavi and her leadership have created an army of radicalized lunatics whose dream is to assassinate any Iranian who does not obey the Rajavi cult. The MEK hates democracy and the press. They never allow reporters to interview their members or question the strange nature of the cult. The MEK only does monologues with the media. Whenever they break news to the press, they want the press to accept their version of the news without questioning its veracity. The MEK’s relations with the press can be compared to the way North Korea treats the media: they beat up reporters on British Channel 4 and attacked many Western and local media. Most Iranians I know hate MEK. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades. they want the press to accept their version of the news without questioning its veracity. The MEK’s relations with the press can be compared to the way North Korea treats the media: they beat up reporters on British Channel 4 and attacked many Western and local media. Most Iranians I know hate MEK. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades. they want the press to accept their version of the news without questioning its veracity. The MEK’s relations with the press can be compared to the way North Korea treats the media: they beat up reporters on British Channel 4 and attacked many Western and local media. Most Iranians I know hate MEK. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades. The MEK’s relations with the press can be compared to the way North Korea treats the media: they beat up reporters on British Channel 4 and attacked many Western and local media. Most Iranians I know hate MEK. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades. The MEK’s relations with the press can be compared to the way North Korea treats the media: they beat up reporters on British Channel 4 and attacked many Western and local media. Most Iranians I know hate MEK. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades. Iran does not need democracy. It is already a democratic state and the MEK is the last terrorist organization on the planet that can bring democracy to Iran. The military command of the MEK is a criminal organization that faces justice for the crimes it has committed against the Iranian and Iraqi people in recent decades.

4) In your opinion, who has chosen Albania as the base and residence of the MEK group? Has the Albanian government voluntarily resettled the MEK in this country? What was the purpose?

A) The transfer of the MEK to Albania was an American decision. After invading Iraq and defeating Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime, the MEK betrayed its master Saddam and offered itself to the Americans and their Zionist agenda in the Middle East. However, the Americans could not guarantee the security of the MEK in post-Saddam Iraq, as many Iraqis wanted to see the MEK face justice for the crimes committed against the Iraqi people. Americans have been desperately trying to find a country to host the MEK. They asked Romanians, Bulgarians and Macedonians, but all these governments refused. Finally, they asked to host them under the Edi Rama regime in Albania. The current Albanian regime is completely corrupt. If you read the WikiLeaks cables, we understand how the US embassy has total control over the country, in every respect. For this reason, the MEK was imposed on Albania and its politicians could not say no. The purpose of the MEK’s transfer to Albania was to use the experience this group has in terrorism and espionage against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Since it arrived, the MEK, like DAESH or Jahbat al-Nusra before them, has become the simple soldier of Zionism against political Islam. They work on behalf of the United States and Israel in their global war against the Arab and Muslim world. The purpose of the MEK’s transfer to Albania was to use the experience this group has in terrorism and espionage against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Since it arrived, the MEK, like DAESH or Jahbat al-Nusra before them, has become the simple soldier of Zionism against political Islam. They work on behalf of the United States and Israel in their global war against the Arab and Muslim world. The purpose of the MEK’s transfer to Albania was to use the experience this group has in terrorism and espionage against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Since it arrived, the MEK, like DAESH or Jahbat al-Nusra before them, has become the simple soldier of Zionism against political Islam. They work on behalf of the United States and Israel in their global war against the Arab and Muslim world.

5) Each year, the group spends an impressive amount of money on glamorous but almost audience-free ceremonies. Do you know the source of these expenses? What is the purpose of organizing such a ceremony for a group whose name has been on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in the European Union and the United States for years?

A) Despite being an endangered organization, the MEK is being used by the US government and Israel as a bugbear against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The strategy of the United States and Israel, after defeating and destroying the Arab nationalist and Islamist regimes of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt and Sudan, was to build an alliance between the sheikhdoms of the Arab Gulf and Israel to counteract the Political Islam in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are believed to be the main sponsors of the MEK’s operations in Albania. While the Albanian government and the Americans protect MEK donors, so far we know that the UAE is one of the main indirect sponsors of the MEK. The UAE sponsored the reconstruction of the city of Manez, where the MEK is based. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, which sponsors a large group of Wahhabi imams in Albania, is believed to be behind Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. Saudi Arabia, which sponsors a large group of Wahhabi imams in Albania, is believed to be behind Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. Saudi Arabia, which sponsors a large group of Wahhabi imams in Albania, is believed to be behind Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. which sponsors a large group of Wahhabi imams in Albania, is behind a Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. which sponsors a large group of Wahhabi imams in Albania, is behind a Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. is behind a Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. is behind a Wahhabi propaganda in favor of the MEK in some Wahhabi circles. The annual meetings that the MEK organizes each July in Albania, where it invites numerous Western politicians, mostly retired, are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance it leads. from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. they are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance which runs from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. they are used by Israel as a platform to build a global alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance which runs from Palestine to Yemen. The goal of the MEK and its sponsors is to blackmail Iran and force it to abandon its support for the liberation of Palestine. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam. Most of the European and American politicians who support the MEK are diehard Zionists. They know that by supporting the MEK they are supporting Israel and its supremacy over Islam.

6) Mike Pompeo recently traveled to Albania with a security team of 80 and visited the MEK camp. The news of this meeting focuses more on the economic aspect of the issue, or on the remuneration for the interventions of former American politicians. Interestingly, Mike Pompeo also describes himself as an “unemployed politician” in his speech. What do you think of this kind of look on Pompey’s journey?

A) Well, at the moment Mike Pompeo is practically nobody in the United States. His arrival in Albania was coordinated by the Zionist lobby in the United States, interested in promoting the MEK and Maryam Rajavi as the leader of the terrorist movement against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Albanian media revealed that Pompeo was paid over $ 150,000 for his visit to the Mujahedeen camp. The Israeli lobby uses clowns like Pompeo to pressure the Biden administration against signing the nuclear deal with Iran. By promoting and sending Pompeo to visit the Mujahedeen camp, the Zionist lobby wants to show the Democrats of the United States that if you don’t follow our line, we can replace you with puppets like Pompeo.

7) What future do you foresee for the members of this group in Albania and what benefits or harm can their presence in Albania have for the people and the government of this country? Has any group that opposes the presence of these terrorist refugees in Albania taken any serious action to stop their presence in the country?

A) The MEK will probably cease to exist in 10 years. Most of its members are dying of cancer and other diseases. However, they currently pose a serious threat to democracy and law enforcement in Albania and to the security of Iran. Their activity as foreign fighters who want to violently wage a terrorist war against a foreign country is contrary to Albanian laws, its security and international obligations. Their presence in Albania, their involvement in drug and human trafficking has created a very negative image of Albania in Europe and in the world. Many European governments are concerned about their presence, but do not dare to speak out against them. Many journalists, Albanian politicians and human rights activists who in the past spoke out against the MEK are now silent. They fear for their safety because the MEK does not tolerate free speech and fights its opponents in many forms. The MEK has seriously undermined the freedom of the press, democracy and security of Albania. However, it enjoys the support of the US government and will continue its terrorist activity from Albania unhindered for the time being.

8) As you know, the MEK terrorist group has carried out many criminal actions in Albania, such as trafficking in human beings and drugs and has also broken many laws, so much so that one of them was carrying out terrorist activities against another country while he was in Albany. To what extent and under what circumstances is it possible for the government to expel a group from Albanian territory?

A) As long as Europe, Albania and the Balkans are a US protectorate, the chance of the MEK being expelled from Albania is zero. As you have seen from the current conflict in Ukraine, the United States does not allow the peoples of Europe to pursue their national interests. We in Europe live under US occupation and, for the moment, the only power that can expel the MEK from Albania is the US that governs us. Albania can save itself from the MEK only if World War III breaks out between Russia and NATO and the MEK finds the same fate as the Azov battalion in Ukraine or ISIS in Syria. But for the moment the MEK is under the protection of the United States and Israel.

– by Alireza Niknam – Geopolitics and ideeazione

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