Hamid Mohammad Atabay escape the MEK Camp in Albania,Tirana

Hamid Mohammad Atabay escape the MEK Camp in Albania,Tirana

Hamid Mohammad Aq Atabay was captured by the MEK forces more than 35 years ago during the Iran-Iraq War and was forcibly transferred to the organization’s camp in Iraq.
He had no contact with his family since then.

Hamid Mohammad has recently managed to escape the MEK Manza camp in Albania and joined other MEK defectors living in Albania who have established an independent association called ASILA.

To download the video file click here

During the long years of separation, his family took several actions calling for release of their beloved Hamid Mohammad. They sent letters to the international human rights organizations as well as Albanian authorities requesting them to help them contact Hamid Mohammad. They also published text and video messages to ask Hamid Mohammad to contact them.

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