They took my children as hostages to make me commit suicide

In June 2003, when Maryam Rajavi was arrested by French Police in her headquarters in the Parisian suburb, Auver sur d’Oise, Mostafa Mohammadi was a sympathizer of the group and two of his children Somayeh and Mohammad were serving as child soldiers in the Mujahedin-e Khalq’s military camp in Iraq.

That morning, Mostafa received a call from the group. “They told me that Maryam Rajavi was arrested and members had to commit suicide in front of French embassies to protest her arrest,” Mostafa recalls. It was a serious problem. Mostafa’s two children were in the group and he had to obey what they coerced him to do. Their life was at risk.

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The world was shocked by the scenes of self-immolations of MEK members in western cities. Western journalist had been already present on the scene. They had been informed about the incidents by MEK agents!
Mostafa got ready to set himself o fire in front of French embassy in Ottawa. He poured petrol all over his body but a journalist snatched the lighter from his hand and a police officer stopped him. Other MEK sympathizers on the scene, wearing yellow jackets with the image of Maryam Rajavi on them, were just watching him. Watch the clip here.

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