The wives of detained Asila members in three Albanian institutions

The wives of detained Asila members in three Albanian institutions

Wives of detained members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) pursued the rights of their husbands in three government institutions. The detained people are former members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/ PMOI) and they are currently members of Asila Association.

On Wednesday, December 28, 2022, on the verge of the New Year holidays, four of the wives of the Iranians detained in the Karreç camp approached three government and human rights bodies in Albania and announced their protest.
The wives Hassan Heyrani, Gholamreza Shekari, Mehdi Soleimani and Ali Hajari protested against the illegal detention of their spouses in Karreç detention center.

The wives of detained Asila members in three Albanian institutions

These ladies went to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Tirana, the Ministry of Interior of Albania and the Tirana Police Center and demanded the release of the arrested members of Asila Association as soon as possible.

They pointed out that they will not stop protesting until the release of their spouses from the camp and will insist on their demand.

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