Sadollah Seifi to protest detention of ASILA members

Sadollah Seifi, former member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq declared his protest against detention of members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA).

Sadollah Seifi who was taken as a hostage in the MEK for 24 years, since his teen years. He was in the group’s camps in both Iraq and Albania. He could manage to escape the group in Albania and eventually he succeeded to return to Iran, in 2018.

Saadollah Seifi

After his defection from the group, he resided in Albania for a while and he was under threats made by the MEK agents there. So, he is well awareS about the MEK tactics to irritate the defectors. “The MEK always try to push former members into troubles because it is against freedom and living independently,” he said in a visit to Nejat Society Alborz office. “I was several times beaten and threatened to death by the MEK agents, in public places of Tirana.”

Seifi believes that the illegal detention of ASILA members is part of the MEK’s plots against defectors including ASILA members. “Like other conspiracies built by the MEK, this is the outcome of large amounts of bribes it pays Albanian authorities,” he said. “In the past the MEK would report false accusations such as drug or human smuggling and robbery against defectors to prevent them from revealing facts on the true nature of the group.”

Sadollah Seifi who has witnessed MEK’s prisons and torture cells in its camps in Iraq and Albania, says, “I declare my protest against illegal detention of my friends and I pursue my complaint in international human rights bodies.”

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