Father in detention, Elisa born as the youngest member of ASILA

The newborn Elisa Hajari was visited by ASILA members

Elisa Hajari was born on January 13th while her father, Ali, is kept in detention. Ali Hajari together with five other members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) has been detained in Karrec detention center, north of Tirana, in the past two months.

Ali Hajari is a former member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization  who could manage to defect the group in 2018. He is one of the founders and active members of ASILA who were detained by the Albanian border and immigration police in November 2022 without being accused of any charge so he was forced to leave his pregnant Albanian wife alone.

Elisa Hajari, Daughter of Ali Hajari

In the absence of Ali Hajari, his wife gave birth to their beloved daughter, Elisa. The newborn baby was visited by ASILA members, in particular Dashamir Mersuli the Albanian president of the association. Mersuli announced his best wishes for Elisa as “the youngest member of ASILA” hoping that his father Ali will be released from Karrec camp as soon as possible.

The newborn Elisa Hajari was visited by ASILA members

Ebrahim Khodabandeh, the CEO of Nejat Society also published a congratulations message addressing Ali Hajari. He wrote, “I wish you could receive such a good news in a better situation rather than being stuck in the conspiracies made by the inhumane Cult of Rajavi and you could celebrate the birth of your baby freely without being bothered by the MEK.”
Admitting huge expenses, Rajavi’s group located in Manez, Albania, is trying to file a legal case against members of ASILA. It has made efforts launching lobbies in the Albanian government and judiciary system to accuse these people with charges ranging from espionage to terrorist acts just because they did not want to stay with Maryam Rajavi.

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