In response to the MEK claims against Nejat Society Albania members

Brickela Sullolari - Social network management sector of Nejat Society Albania

As it was expected, Nejat Society Albania was slandered by the propaganda machine of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The group accuses Nejat activists of being the agents of the Iranian government in Albania. A few weeks ago, the group published an announcement against Nejat Society’s members in Albania. Nejat Society Albania has been established by former members of the MEK and a number of Albanian citizens who have been gathered together for a humanitarian cause: freedom of MEK hostages and the reunion of families of hostages with their loved ones at Ashraf 3.

Brikella Sullolari is one of the Albanian citizens of Nejat Society who has published her response to the MEK’s disinformation letter about Nejat Society Albania:

As it has become known, the MEK organization has made an official response to the former mujahedin and the association Nejat Albania. But the question arises,
reaction towards whom and for what?

The letter made public by that organization is an unprecedented behavior

what is a reaction for their sins hidden from the eyes of Albanian institutions, but not hidden from the minds of those members or former members.
In that letter it was written that the ex-mujahedin are traitors, while the MEK organization itself set up a trap for these members to whom it belonged promised a life of western standards and it turned out to be fatal and in undeniable conditions.

MEK members are without the right to freedom and the right to live!
Your former members have betrayed the traitors! They believed in freedom!
They trusted life and themselves.

Maybe not everyone could compromise with some money for silence, in order not to make public the suffering you have caused yourself your members.
Nejat Albania highlighted and I remind those people that the world has color and that one should live the only life, short or long! BE evidence only from God and not from the Rajavi family addressed to the former mujahedin and the association Nejat Albania. But the question arises, reaction towards whom and for what?

The letter made public by that organization is an unprecedented behavior what is a reaction for their sins hidden from the eyes of Albanian institutions, but not hidden from the minds of those members or former members.

In that letter it was written that the ex-mujahedin are traitors, while the MEK organization itself set up a trap for these members to whom it belonged promised a life of western standards and it turned out to be fatal and in undeniable conditions.

MEK members are without the right to freedom and the right to life!
Your former members have betrayed the traitors! They believed in freedom!
They trusted life and themselves.

Maybe not everyone could compromise with some money for silence, in order not to make public the sufferings that you yourself have caused to your members.
Nejat Albania highlighted and I remind those people that the world has colors and that one should live the only life, short or long! Test life only from God and not from the Rajavi family.

Brickela Sullolari – Social network management sector of Nejat Society Albania

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